sacred 120 apprenticeship

fellowship of those who've trustee accepted the (private) special confidential arrangement of the sacred grant offer under (new) covenant (sacred) trust ( ). this protects both you and i in any future discussions, no matter by what means, and excludes all our private, sacred trust business from all PUBLIC considerations, jurisdictions; and authority. the principle its based on is the maxim: what's excluded is not included, what's included is not excluded . . . 1. rules of trust exclude all other law forms (a trust includes what's special that defines a relation re property and it excludes that property from governance by any other law - unless there is a pre-existing priority trust established over same subject matter) . . . 2. covenants and treaties work the same as trusts - e.g. treaty law supersedes and has priority over the U.S. Constitution and the laws of the government it created. in like manner, the new covenant supersedes and has priority over and excludes the old covenant rules by fulfilling; it under new rules. . . . 3. there are three basic levels of trust: PUBLIC (dead), private (man on the land), sacred (redeemed man under authority of abba in heaven). then there is the judge of all righteousness who governs the people with equity (the anointed one) - ps 98:9 fulfilled in acts 17:31 and proven in the revelation. ultimately, this exercise is the first lesson, and one that will be taught by each here with any other that one includes as neighbor (matthew 12:47-49; ) under the will of our testator, surety, kinsman-redeemer, jubilee, king, priest, husband/covering, advocate and judge-of-all-righteousness. REQUEST: its nice when people "remind" posts, but PLEASE DO NOT "remind" posts from this group. One can "remind" posts from Hospitality Fellowship USA vs US, just not this one. appreciate your consideration.
This discussion is only available to group members.
fellowship of those who've trustee accepted the (private) special confidential arrangement of the sacred grant offer under (new) covenant (sacred) trust ( ). this protects both you and i in any future discussions, no matter by what means, and excludes all our private, sacred trust business from all PUBLIC considerations, jurisdictions; and authority. the principle its based on is the maxim: what's excluded is not included, what's included is not excluded . . . 1. rules of trust exclude all other law forms (a trust includes what's special that defines a relation re property and it excludes that property from governance by any other law - unless there is a pre-existing priority trust established over same subject matter) . . . 2. covenants and treaties work the same as trusts - e.g. treaty law supersedes and has priority over the U.S. Constitution and the laws of the government it created. in like manner, the new covenant supersedes and has priority over and excludes the old covenant rules by fulfilling; it under new rules. . . . 3. there are three basic levels of trust: PUBLIC (dead), private (man on the land), sacred (redeemed man under authority of abba in heaven). then there is the judge of all righteousness who governs the people with equity (the anointed one) - ps 98:9 fulfilled in acts 17:31 and proven in the revelation. ultimately, this exercise is the first lesson, and one that will be taught by each here with any other that one includes as neighbor (matthew 12:47-49; ) under the will of our testator, surety, kinsman-redeemer, jubilee, king, priest, husband/covering, advocate and judge-of-all-righteousness. REQUEST: its nice when people "remind" posts, but PLEASE DO NOT "remind" posts from this group. One can "remind" posts from Hospitality Fellowship USA vs US, just not this one. appreciate your consideration.