Unite the Left

Yes we’re leftists. Yes we’re on minds. We exist. No gate keeping here, this is a minds community for the “left” broadly (e.g. anarchists, tankies, socialists, progressive,etc welcome). Given the obvious presence of white supremacists, Nazis, trump supporters et al. on Minds, posts will be tightly modded to prevent this becoming a shitshow, so if ur gonna be racist, homophobic, transphobic, sexist, etc... get fucked. Other than that this is a place for srs discussion, shitposting, organizing, trolling right-wing dipshits. It’ll be great.
Type: All
Yes we’re leftists. Yes we’re on minds. We exist. No gate keeping here, this is a minds community for the “left” broadly (e.g. anarchists, tankies, socialists, progressive,etc welcome). Given the obvious presence of white supremacists, Nazis, trump supporters et al. on Minds, posts will be tightly modded to prevent this becoming a shitshow, so if ur gonna be racist, homophobic, transphobic, sexist, etc... get fucked. Other than that this is a place for srs discussion, shitposting, organizing, trolling right-wing dipshits. It’ll be great.