
HEALTH is Wealth!!! 'To keep the body in good health is a duty ... otherwise we shall not be able to keep our mind strong and clear.' ~ Buddha Vaccines are causing more harm than good!!! Medicine/Vaccination is NOT a 'one-size-fits-all' solutions!!! We are children of the most high God and we reserve the RIGHT to embrace the MULTITUDE of solutions given to us by Nature. The FREEDOM of choice MUST be upheld for ANY human being where Medicine/Vaccination is involved. NAZIs also used the power of FEAR to conduct/force compliance in population Are you a Doctor, a Virologist, an Immunologist, a Scientist??? Are you a Jurist (an expert in Laws), jon??? Marbury vs Madison (1803): "ANY law that is repugnant to the Constitution is null and void on its face."; #cdc #who #gates #corruption #vaccines #vaccination #covid19 #flu #covid #plandemic #scamdemic #psychology #fearmongering #fear #fauci #masks #AstraZenecaVaccine #pfizer #astrazeneca #statistics #polio
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Decoding (((their))) LIES 👇 👇 👇 (((They))) call it "Event 201" ==>> the PLANNED Pandemic "Exercise" that was a Prelude to the #CoronaVirus "pandemic" which took place in October of 2019. But in the REALITY that was a GLOBAL "Event 2🌍1", which was connected to the...See more


1) #gates -- bill and linda gates NEED TO BE DEPOPULATED!!! The Gates of Hell (Kill Bill) Bill Gates Praised Pedophile Jeffrey Epstein’s Lifestyle: ‘Kind of Intriguing’...See more



#VACCINES 'MURDER BY INJECTION; The Story Of The Medical Conspiracy Against America' by Eustace Mullins It was...See more


Decentralized Medicine - Dr. Jack Kruse (Assembly 2023) Dr. Kruse is a neurosurgeon and advocate for DECENTRALIZED Medicine. Often at odds with mainstream medical practices, he challenges established norms and promotes a holistic approach to healthcare. In this captivating talk,...See more


Uric Acid

ТОП-5 ПРЕПАРАТОВ ПРИ ВЫСОКОЙ МОЧЕВОЙ КИСЛОТЕ. ПОДАГРА. ПРИЧИНЫ И ЧТО ДЕЛАТЬ? Здравствуйте! Я практикующий врач-кардиолог, вы на моем ютуб канале БЛОГ КАРДИОЛОГА Высокий уровень Mочевой Кислоты это только подагра? Как влияет Mочевая Кислота на наше Cердце и Cосуды? Почему у людей с высокой Mочевой Кислотой повышен риск Инфаркта и Инсульта? Основные причины повышения и что делать? Как снизить Mочевую Кислоту? Какие препараты повышают, а какие понижают Mочевую Кислоту?


Japanese Doctor Warns: "Disease Starts In The Gut, Do This To Heal Most Diseases" You may have heard the saying: "Most diseases start in your gut." While it might sound like an overstatement, research increasingly highlights the central role of gut health in overall well-being....See more

HEALTH is Wealth!!! 'To keep the body in good health is a duty ... otherwise we shall not be able to keep our mind strong and clear.' ~ Buddha Vaccines are causing more harm than good!!! Medicine/Vaccination is NOT a 'one-size-fits-all' solutions!!! We are children of the most high God and we reserve the RIGHT to embrace the MULTITUDE of solutions given to us by Nature. The FREEDOM of choice MUST be upheld for ANY human being where Medicine/Vaccination is involved. NAZIs also used the power of FEAR to conduct/force compliance in population Are you a Doctor, a Virologist, an Immunologist, a Scientist??? Are you a Jurist (an expert in Laws), jon??? Marbury vs Madison (1803): "ANY law that is repugnant to the Constitution is null and void on its face."; #cdc #who #gates #corruption #vaccines #vaccination #covid19 #flu #covid #plandemic #scamdemic #psychology #fearmongering #fear #fauci #masks #AstraZenecaVaccine #pfizer #astrazeneca #statistics #polio