New Truther Order

Are You "Awake" ??? With The Good People of Farcebook and Mewe and other biased Social Networking platforms alike being heavily censored, Shadow banned, blocked, suspended, permanently banned, penalized and sent to Facebook Jail for merely questioning the governments beliefs, (Which most of us know by now is complete and utter B.S.) Us "Truthers" need a 'safe place' to store, share and discuss "truther intel" that these dark and corrupt enterprises and corporations alike try so desperately hard by spending millions of euros/dollars/pounds on censorship teams by employing thousands of dis-information agents in the form of Shills, Trolls, Meat-Puppets, Sock-Puppets Astroturfers alike whose soul purpose in life is to conceal this vital information from us. Me and my team of Truthers (New Truth Order) have constructed together a platform for all truthers worldwide, a central hub, a place where we can come together and beat these hindrances at their own game, and we need your help. I have personally lost contact with 30+ very informed people in recent times as a Truther and online activist but managed to track them down through mutual friends and invite them to "The Truther Hub" these are some very informative individuals and knowledgeably equipped in a few areas of Truthing. The server is still only in it's early days but already buzzing and jampacked with information ! Some of the greater things about our "The Truther Hub" besides being a shill free, troll free zone is: All feeds are uncensored. All posts are readily available for copy and pasting to your other social networking platforms. All comments are uncensored You have control of your content No ridiculously biased censorship teams No corruption Shadow banning No Unnecessary bans No Fedbook Cool People Nice relaxed firm but fair admin panel Annoying bots No collecting data No harvesting data Tight ship (troll proof) No bans without rational thoughts Just a cool hangout place :
Type: All
Are You "Awake" ??? With The Good People of Farcebook and Mewe and other biased Social Networking platforms alike being heavily censored, Shadow banned, blocked, suspended, permanently banned, penalized and sent to Facebook Jail for merely questioning the governments beliefs, (Which most of us know by now is complete and utter B.S.) Us "Truthers" need a 'safe place' to store, share and discuss "truther intel" that these dark and corrupt enterprises and corporations alike try so desperately hard by spending millions of euros/dollars/pounds on censorship teams by employing thousands of dis-information agents in the form of Shills, Trolls, Meat-Puppets, Sock-Puppets Astroturfers alike whose soul purpose in life is to conceal this vital information from us. Me and my team of Truthers (New Truth Order) have constructed together a platform for all truthers worldwide, a central hub, a place where we can come together and beat these hindrances at their own game, and we need your help. I have personally lost contact with 30+ very informed people in recent times as a Truther and online activist but managed to track them down through mutual friends and invite them to "The Truther Hub" these are some very informative individuals and knowledgeably equipped in a few areas of Truthing. The server is still only in it's early days but already buzzing and jampacked with information ! Some of the greater things about our "The Truther Hub" besides being a shill free, troll free zone is: All feeds are uncensored. All posts are readily available for copy and pasting to your other social networking platforms. All comments are uncensored You have control of your content No ridiculously biased censorship teams No corruption Shadow banning No Unnecessary bans No Fedbook Cool People Nice relaxed firm but fair admin panel Annoying bots No collecting data No harvesting data Tight ship (troll proof) No bans without rational thoughts Just a cool hangout place :