Independent Journalism

News reports and journalism free from corporate and government influences. x spam, x ads, x off topic junk please
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"Our speakers represent independent journalists, doctors, politicians, celebrities, and everyday people who have one thing in common, they have all been censored for simply not having the “right” opinion. The Censored Conference and United For Free Speech aims to change this."


This week on the New World Next Week: The Dutch continue the worldwide revolution against the technocrats; the Library of Alexandria is still on fire; and the mainstream conspiritainment purveyors suddenly discover one of the 29 hijacked 9/11 planes.


"FROM 2015: Last month’s G20 Summit in Australia came and went without the protests and riots we’ve come to expect at the summit in recent years. But as author and researcher Ellen Brown notes, the real fireworks happened behind closed doors, where the group rubber stamped new regulations that will make Cyprus style bank bail-ins a worldwide reality."

News reports and journalism free from corporate and government influences. x spam, x ads, x off topic junk please