Global Cooling.

It is not about CO2 it is the Sun that influences the Weather. Is the Earth about to experience a Pole Shift?
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  • verified_user

#CO2 does not change the climate, but chopping down billions of trees sure does. Go back 12,000 years Iraq was a Jungle and then Man starting farming. Jungle gone, Forests gone. Man did that. Spain was covered in Trees, yet they removed them so long ago no one remembers them being there. Mankind is greedy.

  • verified_user

#netzeroscam Thousands of fools repeating the mantra of CO2 from Humans did it. I told this guy the other day, to just stay hell away from our coal power stations and gasoline cars; and explain why you are not talking about the dozens of volcanoes that are constantly active. Even NASA is talking this rubbish. Trump and Musk need to sack a bunch of people.

It is not about CO2 it is the Sun that influences the Weather. Is the Earth about to experience a Pole Shift?