Cool Minds Café

Ever think about how much communication comes from gathering around a good cup? Einstein himself was known to frequent his local coffee shop. Some of the places he would sit have become quite famous. Coffee broke us out of the debauchery of the Middle Ages and slowly sobered us into the Industrial Revolution. Now here we are ... on the Third or maybe even Fourth Industrial Revolution. Pharmy's are running course through our veins, along with polymers and a cocktail of hormones. We receive a dose of christmas tree lights hourly - sometimes more - and our normal human feelings of achievement and prestige are being tampered with - as well as our sense of physical comfort. _____________________________________________________________🧞‍♂️________ On one hand, we enjoy our handheld windows to the universe and the ability to scoff at Death, but on the other ... there's gotta be more to life than a post industrial dystopia. _________________________________________💡________ These conundrums are gonna take some active MINDs. ______⚡️________ We know it in our core that something must be done. __________ __________ ______ _________________________________________________🧠🧠🧠🧠🧠_ Riiiight after this cup. _______________________________🧠🧠🧠🧠🧠🧠🧠 Somebody hold my mug .... ________________________🧠🧠🧠🧠🧠🧠🧠_ Imma Hash this out ... _________________________________👀🧠🧠🧠🧠__ ______________________ ________________________~_~_____________🧠🧠 ____________________________________~_~_ #CoolMindsCafe ________💡 🎫 Whatever you would talk about at your local café - bring it here! If you need a good bean for your brew to get the Minds firing, check out Jolly's coffee club on his main page. If you want to start roasting yourself, contact Jolly! He'll help you get started in your part of the world!!/CoolMinds