Pandemic related information

Wuhan Virus / Covid-19 related information - now expanded to include the Monkeypox and whatever else they will try to bring on a global dictatorship via health scares #wuhanvirus #covid19 #covid1984 #covidhoax #fascism
Type: All

Another COVID lockdown/masking/"vaccine" promoter suddenly died - at the age of 30. Of myocarditis 🤔 A total mystery. No one saw this coming...


Singapore were proud about begin the «  most vaccinated » country on earth. Now they face the calls of their birthrate AND a massive excess mortality 🙄🤦‍♂️💀 Looks like the “vaccines” are working as intended …


Fauci, the man who said 'When people are vaccinated, they are not going to get infected,' just got his third COVID infection after being vaccinated and boosted six times. Where did he even find another Sars-CoV-2 virus to get infected with? 😅 Why does he even announce it? My guess is that he only got the placebos, never the actual "vaccines", which explains why he didn't "suddenly die", but if he keeps getting COVID, that kind of defies the entire purpose of his fake "vaccination" propaganda 🤔


The "vaccinated" just keep randomly dying ... I wonder how many finally put 1+1 together...


There was massive evidence that the virus stemmed from the Wuhan lab since January 2020, publicly available since at least March 2020. I found 3 separate lab reports that all stated that the virus had been manipulated. Tim Pool already pointed to the obvious fact that the outbreak happened just next to the Wuhan lab and that no animal had been identified as source of the virus. The reason they managed to lie for so long is because most people don't pay attention to the relevant information.


To absolutely no one's surprise, the useless anti-COVID "vaccines" also cause a huge increase in psychiatric adverse events, e.g. anxiety and depression...


A whistleblower just released the ENTIRE, UNCENSORED RKI Pandemic files - the entire pack is just over 10GB: This will be fun to read and imagine how they are all going down in flames, even based on the early official releases, which already showed that there was NO "SCIENCE" to support ANY of the measures they pushed. It was 100% arbitrary & political.


Interview with Marc Reisinger, a psychiatrist who denounces the catastrophic handling of the COVID "pandemic" and the fake "vaccines". He states clearly that: - the threat was massively exaggerated - facial masks are a joke - lockdowns should never have been imposed - effective...See more

Wuhan Virus / Covid-19 related information - now expanded to include the Monkeypox and whatever else they will try to bring on a global dictatorship via health scares #wuhanvirus #covid19 #covid1984 #covidhoax #fascism