"Climate Change" Propaganda and Politics

Exposing the fraud about the alleged man-made climate change with CO2 and the fake "green" energy hysteria. One of the most important resources is Real Climate Science by Tony Heller where he publishes all the relevant data: https://realclimatescience.com/ This is his Rumble channel with most of his brilliant videos - please watch and share them! https://rumble.com/user/tonyheller Note that Tony Heller kept archives that the Biden administration just DELETED, notably all the fire records from before 1983! NB: Weather events should be posted to this group here: https://www.minds.com/groups/profile/1493509052326481932/feed
Type: Allโ–พ

Refreshed this meme for greater readability and better formulated counter-arguments...


This is a fantastic site - it debunks the CO2 hoax with all the right arguments! They have tons of information on their site, well structured and organized, plus some top notch videos explaining the issues! http://www.co2science.org/index.php


For those who STILL don't get it, the WORLD GOVERNMENT / WEF puppet Greta sides with the HAMAS TERRORISTS who are MUSLIM EXTREMISTS and demands the destruction of Israel, although Israel has been at the forefront of developing REAL "green" technologies that actually work, such as the best irrigation technologies that allow the use of arid land for agriculture. Is there really ANYONE who thinks that Greta is controlled by "Zionists", i.e. people who want Israel to exist and thrive?


On the same topic of the absence of the expected major storms: The evidence that the climate is NOT driven by CO2 is just overwhelming. The idea was incredibly stupid to start with, but they pushed it by making up fake data. But their predictions keep failing, which shows that the underlying assumptions are false. https://wattsupwiththat.com/2024/09/07/mysteries-surrounding-the-2024-atlantic-hurricane-season-co2-definitely-not-the-driving-factor/


The @NOAA prediction from August 8 was catastrophically wrong. To date: 5 Named storms 2 Hurricanes 1 Major Hurricane The season is not over, but after September 10 the odds of a named storm decrease every day. Statistically, there is a 10% chance of an above normal season. Their assumptions are not based on actual scientific evidence, it's just fearmongering.


Based on the official temperature data, as published by NOAA in 1974, the temperature global temperature was lower, in 1970, than in 1870! https://www.newspapers.com/article/the-des-moines-register-world-is-getting/37057971/ Yes, that's the temperature for the Northern Hemisphere, because there was much less data for the Southern Hemisphere.


This video denounces the scam about the atmospheric CO2 increase, which is not what they claim and the origin of the increase is not based on human emissions: David Hilderman: CO2 Emissions and Atmospheric Levels https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hz4sYB95LIA


The entire hysterical narrative about an alleged "man-made climate change" hinges on lies about the climate history, which includes the claim that world was much colder than it actually was over the last few hundred thousand years and the imaginary threat of a catastrophic sea level rise, which is not happening. This study shows that Greenland had been largely ice-free in the not so remote past. https://www.pnas.org/doi/10.1073/pnas.2407465121


The calls for an โ€œunprecedentedโ€ North Atlantic hurricane season arenโ€™t looking too good right now. ๐ŸŒ€ We are now in the climatologically most active period of North Atlantic hurricane season. Statistically, 2/3 of its activity usually occurs between August 20th and October...See more


The entire "global warming" is a scam!


The Australian Great Barrier Reef reached a new record in coral cover. 100% of their scare scenarios are pure garbage...

Exposing the fraud about the alleged man-made climate change with CO2 and the fake "green" energy hysteria. One of the most important resources is Real Climate Science by Tony Heller where he publishes all the relevant data: https://realclimatescience.com/ This is his Rumble channel with most of his brilliant videos - please watch and share them! https://rumble.com/user/tonyheller Note that Tony Heller kept archives that the Biden administration just DELETED, notably all the fire records from before 1983! NB: Weather events should be posted to this group here: https://www.minds.com/groups/profile/1493509052326481932/feed