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Democrats Are Acting Like Crazy People Why? Why Do Elites Have Black Eyes? You Really Want To Know? Here Is Red Pill It's Very Scary Doing Nothing Is Even Worse. Democrats Kiss Kiss.


Reveals Revisited! Just Once in a Blue Moon! Hear JFK's speech on the Intel agencies. See more evidence on the Information War. See briefly how they did it and who all is connected. See what Vincent Fusca [also front and center at the Trump assassination attempt] was trying to show everyone with the numbers on his license plate from the Trumpmobile! #susanwojcicki, #JFK, #JFKjr, #VincentFusca#JacQuelineKennedy https://rumble.com/v5brkzx-susan-wojcicki-frmr-ceo-of-yt-dies-lung-cancer-check-my-reveals-from-my-jfk.html


How and why things operate as they do Behind the Scenes! YES, you really ARE watching a show! Foter Vaud or Motor Sod back in the day! Evidence there really is NOTHING new under the sun just as the Bible stated! Do you know any of these celebrities and entertainers? How they...See more


More on my Hot Springs series because Arkansas really does ROCK! Beautiful hiking, clear streams, amazing mountain views! Don't forget the intriguing history, mines, caves and fascinating stories that bring many people together! "Can you hear the children?" Written on tunnel...See more


History of #HotSprings as a place where Soldiers went to heal after World War 1 and 2. Vacationing spot for #AlCapone who was said to reserve entire 4th floor of the ArlingtonHotel which they are in the process of renovating. #Prohibition, #tunnels, Moonshiners, Alcatraz, UndergroundCities, IronMountain, Bathhouses, Bathhouserow, #WatchTheWater, Epstein, Epsteindidntkillhimself, https://rumble.com/v4vfxyr-prohibition-al-capone-tunnels-moonshiners-bathhouse-row-watch-the-water.html


Thank you for joining us as we experienced #eclipse2024 right in our yard! What breath taking views and along with the actual footage are some stellar photos of the sun and moon, eclipse, #eclipse2024, totaleclipse, #pathoftotality, eclipsepath, pathofeclipse, pathofeclipse2024, #DarkToLight, #TheBestIsYetToCome, GreatAmericanEclipse nature, naturelovers, movie, EaglePassTx, RaptureIN, JonahTx, NinevehTx, NinevehIN, #APEProckets https://rumble.com/v4pc7cq-eclipse-path-of-totality-the-movie.html


Eclipse start Eagle Pass, TX last Civil War flag buried! 2017 Eclipse ended in FortSumter where the American Civl War and the ShotHeardAroundTheWorld began? Nasa's APEP [Egyptian Serpent Deity] Mission to fire rockets at the Eclipse? NASA's future Warfare Circa 2025...See more


#GreatAmericanEclipse, #]AncientNineveh, See evidence of how many Nineveh's there truly are. One in SolomonIslands and a Nineveh in Canada? A town called Rapture, Indiana and Nineveh, Indiana in the path of the Eclipse 2024 on April 8th? Is it a time for those choosing a bad...See more

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