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I Do Not Concede

GoodFoodUnEarthedFeb 24, 2021, 3:38:00 PM

If you're use of language is clever and you use it to dance around my own language; if you employ legalese and claim this proves superiority over my own reasoning and conscience...

If you propose, write, and enforce legislation, claiming that these "laws" are the rules of the game that I must abide by without question; if you claim that simply because I exist here now in a space where you claim jurisdiction (the right to purport spoken laws/rules that dictate the lives of others) that I have implied my consent...

If you claim that my silence is my implied consent, that full disclosure and explicit informed consent is not required...

If you compose data using a "scientific" process, data that is supported by certain "experts," claiming that this data is definitive proof of your superiority over my own choice...

If you propose that you are superior in intellect, that you are more aware of the truth, that you are better suited to make the decisions...

I STILL claim sovereignty over MY own life. 

My life is NOT and NEVER WILL BE the property of another.


I will stand up for myself, no matter what reasoning you employ to attempt to convince me that you stand above me in any way whatsoever.

Now, we can either meet each other with mutual respect and regard for our equal dignity and inherent, inalienable rights, and then we can proceed from there...

Or, you know exactly where I stand, and I am NOT negotiating. 

My free will is NOT for sale.