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The Need for Tranquility in Our Lives

FlownMar 1, 2021, 9:40:06 PM

When I began the process of defining what exactly 'tranquility' was, I realized there is much more to it that deserves further study. 

To summarize, apparently the state of tranquility is just as important as other life necessities that give us health and well-being. There have been considerable scientific studies on the impacts of our modern world on the brain relative to stress which contribute to depression, irritability, non-connectiveness (growing exponentially), smaller brain size, digestive problems and the list goes on. There have also been considerable studies done on the positive effects of simply adding tranquility into our lives which reverses many of the negative side effects of daily stress - even changing the brain, improving memory, etc.

What exactly is tranquility?

According to Wiki:
The word tranquility appears in numerous texts ranging from the religious writings of Buddhism, where the term passaddhi refers to tranquility of the body, thoughts and consciousness on the path to enlightenment, to an assortment of interpretations of the word typically linked to engagement with the natural environment.

Some of the determinations made according to Northumbria University and Newcastle University:

Stimuli with positive impacts on tranquility

  • a natural landscape, including woodland
  • presence of rivers, streams, lakes or the sea
  • birds and other wildlife
  • wide open spaces
  • clear open night sky with/without moon
  • beach in a unique location
  • open field,flora etc. with gentle to moderate wind flow

Examples of stimuli having negative impacts on tranquility

  • Motorized transport: cars, motorcycle, trains and aircraft – and roads and railways
  • light pollution
  • large numbers of people
  • pylons, power lines, masts and wind turbines
  • noise

--Note: This cartographic study showed that tranquility is not the absence of all noise, activity and buildings. Indeed, it found that many rural activities, such as farming and hiking, and natural noises such as birdsong and cows lowing, enhance people’s experience of tranquility. Source: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tranquillity

Additionally, many of these studies have introduced brain scans of Buddhist monks and brains exposed to a tranquil scene which clearly show that specific regions of the brain become 're-connected' as well as improved blood circulation. Contrary to this, brain scans of a 'stressed brain' showed specific regions of the brain disconnected.

How interesting is that?!

Share your favorite place of tranquility and use the tag 'tranquility'. Hopefully we can build a large library of tranquility to draw upon when we are feeling stressed and can't get out to experience the real thing.

"How stress affects your brain" - 4min video