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MONORETO - Social Media Revolution

febbyAug 14, 2018, 5:49:15 AM

A new generation of social media technology is growing rapidly.

Businesses and influencers must not ignore the impact of blockchain technology on social media, and influencers must adapt to new virtual currencies that are set to become the norm in the future.

Whether they accept change, or they are left behind in the age of stone social media marketing as we know it today.

Apparently, Instagram took action against brands that were not transparent. Facebook's photo-and video-sharing network confirms that content must state when it contains paid sponsors. In fact, Instagram has gone as far as launching paid partnerships with tags for paid advertiser posts.

It supports authenticity and eliminates lies. Better yet, consumers are aware when influencers are paid to promote a brand.

Blockchain technology will remove blurred lines of doubt and make merging easier for advertisers and publishers to join. Speed, security, transparency and security are needed for markets that are so competitive.

Blockchain will open more doors for brands and influencers around the world to create exposure, attract consumers, and increase sales, legally. "Blockchain technology is changing the online business world.

Therefore, brands must consider the way they do business going forward.

Social media is obliged to rethink how it shares content, income structure and data security. And because influencers play an important role, they must educate themselves about digital blockchain technology. If not, they risk losing revenue from social advertising.

So, what is the solution?

Blockchain will end the problem of advertisement issues that are problematic for influencers.

Instead, using crypto transactions is simple, transparent and safe.

Influences will be paid wherever they are and in the currency they use. In addition, brands will be in prime position to ensure that their content is shared with the right channels of their choice. In addition, both parties will be able to collaborate on social media content, track data and plan efficiently for future marketing campaigns.

Married blockchain, influencers, and brands together will create a sophisticated future for all involved. Consumers will be rewarded with transparency and original content. Social media figures will benefit from payment security (crypto tokens) through the online escrow transaction system.

The simple truth is, blockchain is the beginning of an exciting new monetary chapter in the digital world.

Giving users more control over their content is something that serious social media companies must consider as time changes and users start demanding more.

Monoreto is a blockchain-based social media network that pays users for quality content by charging users for the likes they provide. This allows quality content to make money for its original popularity.

Transparency and practicality cannot be defeated.

Everyone can get prizes for their unique content. which helps users benefit from using it without intermediaries. Each likes to charge at least 5 cents in tokens. By giving likes, you promote your account in the news feed, get a share of the platform benefits and other benefits.

What is a Monoreto?

Monoreto - is a platform that proposes a social network system that will be based on blockchain technology. With millions of people using social networks to get involved and networking, whether for social purposes or for networking, Monoreto will offer a profitable platform for monetizing these interactions. From professional bloggers to photographers, opinion makers, and others, many offer quality content through social networks, but don't find the right or easy way to monetize the same thing.

Zero transaction costs and all mechanisms for motivating desire mean many use cases (direct profits without advertising, crowdfunding, charity, online quizzes with cash prizes, etc.). Professional bloggers will easily be able to join social networks and earn extra money and users who create quality content but have not received money rewards because they can start earning regular monthly income. Monoreto encourages people to make quality photos and video content and allows talented users to produce from what they produce and are motivated to make more. The most popular content will be highlighted in the Monoreto news feed and allow content writers to expand their audience.

This platform can also help raise money to implement business ideas.

This idea is very simple. However, many people still do not believe that such platforms have a decent model. That's because they don't understand why they have to give money like that.

Many mechanisms to motivate giving likes and spending tokens are the main innovations of Monoreto:

- When you place likes, you also promote your own account in the news feed (along with accounts that receive a lot of likes)

- if you place a lot of likes, you can get a share of the Monoreto weekly profits

- if you can transfer tokens with "like" it's much easier to raise funds for business. Monoreto is a Kickstarter with zero transaction costs. When you see a great project and knock on a button like that, you can get some benefits from it (ie being among the first people to get a product, visiting this project as a VIP or whatever)

- It's the same as charity. People want to help each other. But if it's not too time consuming and difficult. In Monoreto one can help people and even save lives

- By liking photos, you participate in an approximate competition. Like photos with certain hashtags or from certain categories, and if they get a majority of votes (likes) you win and get a prize

- Monoreto makes it possible to hold online quizzes like in Trivia HQ. The main difference, in Monoreto does not need advertising. So, the pot of winners in the Monoreto online quiz can be made from the contribution of small users (1-5 cents or more)

In this way, Monoreto goes further than the existing platform with monetization like. The team creates a social network that will make the process of transferring funds as easy and profitable as possible. That is why the number of cases of Monoreto use is only limited by our imagination.

Monoreto is made on blockchain-based distribution platforms. The incentive to be part of the Monoreto comes in the form of an internal token called MON token. Cryptocurrency guaranteed for user activity.

This will allow posts to be published for free and provide secure transactions. This application will interact with blockchain via the selected blockchain API.

Transactions will be processed using the NEM blockchain. Namespaces in monoreto.mon will be created and mosaics (cryptoassets on the NEM blockchain) will be included.

This choice is the result of several factors: User attachment security. NEM has been tested by large financial organizations (SBI Sumishin Net Bank) monoreto.com 2 NEMs are better than similar systems for this task The transaction speed in NEM is higher than in Ethereum The Monoreto development team is currently working on platforms and preparing fundraising campaigns.

MNR application tokens will be released under the ERC-20 standard with limited releases to hold fundraising campaigns. Token distribution will be carried out by smart contracts.

The funds collected will be used to launch the platform and to develop it further, to finance advertising and marketing, and to manage platform operations.

MNR is an ERC20 application token with limited emissions. Every Likes to promote your account on news feeds along with popular ones.

In addition, you can pay with MNR for advertising on the platform. The possibility of converting MNR to MON's internal token in the same proportion after launching the platform is under consideration.

Token Distribution:

• 23% for initial platform users

• 11% remain part of the company

• 3% is used for prize prizes

• 63% for crowdsale participants

Intelligent contracting mechanisms allow the proportions shown to be maintained, including in the case that less money is collected during crowdsale than planned.

As such, there will be no increase in team parts if this happens.

Distribution of funds collected after the Token Sales:

• 50% for the development of the Monoreto platform

• 25% for marketing and advertising applications

• 15% for future development of the Monoreto platform

• 10% in expenditure on legal regulations



=> Market research needs

=> Research on launching platforms on international markets

=> Designing a platform design


=> Development of marketing innovation mechanisms within the Monoreto platform

=> Resolve questions about the platform's technical realization and scaling


=> Preparation for using blockchain technology in the project

=> Beginning of work on the Whitepaper

=> Involvement of consultants

=> Introduction to the project for potential users

=> Development of an ITO campaign to raise funds

=> Overview of technology solutions from the platform and their placement

=> Development of media plans and marketing research


=> The beginning of a marketing campaign on the sale of tokens

=> Monoreto community organization

=> Project presentation and integration into mass media


=> Functional core presentation of the platform

=> Starting from raising funds to bring products to the world market

=> Project presentation for token holders at the international level

=> Complete distribution of tokens

=> Beta version of the product


=> Monoreto Investment

=> Launch the escrow system

=> Smart contract on the platform


=> Open 20% tokens for first users from platform development funds

=> Design an intelligent feeder tool that is effective for promoting users

=> Develop a mobile application

=> Translation to additional languages



I think this is a great project with a good foundation and a unique concept that is extraordinary, so what are you waiting for, join the team and become good thinkers like them. I see this project very interesting and recommend it to everyone. On the official website everything is clearly written. This project has good prospects.

More information you can visit links below:

Website: http://monoreto.com/

Whitepaper: http://monoreto.com/resources/Monoreto_WP_ENG.pdf

Telegram: https://t.me/monoreto

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/monoreto/

Twitter: https://twitter.com/MonoretoSocial

Bitcointalk profile: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=1409779