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Web3 Nomads

eclipsingbinary.ethNov 14, 2021, 2:17:55 AM

Hey peeps, back for more rambling, I may continue doing this.

I didn't know where to start in terms of how to explain what I'm doing with crypto. What came to mind is to tell you where I'm coming from.

Please note that everything I'm doing is with the intention of me being able to just make music and art and not need the 9 to 5.

I heard the phrase "Web3 Nomad" in a podcast sometime last year. I wish I could remember where I heard it so I could give credit to the person, so my apologies and thank you for the phrase. It wasn't until weeks later that the phrase started to come into my thoughts and really resonated with me and it made me think "What else is out there?"

Until that point, I had only been on Minds for social media and Rocki and Audius for music streaming, all related to Ethereum

But that phrase Web3 Nomad made me  start thinking about the internet of blockchains and interoperability.

I don't want to over sell it because here is the thing about "Web3 Nomads". We're too early. The tech is not set up yet. It will take time.

I'm not a trader, even though I have my own token ECLIPSE that I buy and sell on MintMe

I'm also not interested in being a trader. I'm a music maker and I want my music to be heard so that it can provide for me and my family. Simple.

I am interested in the social apps, the music streaming apps, musicnft marketplaces, scene building for metaverse worlds and more, and those are bringing me to visit far away places I hadn't been to before finding great people and cool ideas.

Here is some of the stuff I'm looking at and where I want Eclipsing Binary to participate. This is in no particular order. I'll just list them for now but I will learn more about them and maybe speak about them in other posts.

  • Mintme - ECLIPSE token lives on the MintMe Chain as part of the MTCG Ecosystem of Creator Tokens
  • Minds - My main social media channel currently on Ethereum
  • Atlas - JoystreaDAO's video creator DApp
  • ENS DAO - Ended up being part of the ENS DAO for having purchased eclipsingbinary.eth early on.
  • Singular by RMRK - Functional NFTs on Kusama Network
  • OpenSea - NFTs
  • Polka Music - Music Streaming and Music NFTs on Polka Dot, Polygon and Ethereum (Not live yet)
  • ROCKI - Music Streaming and NFTs currently on Binance Smartchain coming soon to L2
  • AUDIUS - Music Streaming on Ethereum
  • Subsocial - it's own Social Networks Layer parachain of the Kusama Network
  • Twetch - Twittter Social Media type on BSV
  • Relica - Instagram type  on BSV
  • Decentraland - Virtual Metaverse on Ethereum and Polygon

It's all stuff on different blockchains, future interoperability would be awesome for a person like me that is interested in different things and that believes that many great things live in a number of places and not just one. Being able to sign in with ENS regardless of which blockchain it is would be amazing. It's the tech that's important.

Sending any token from any blockchain to my ENS address sounds awesome to me.

Deposit my Audio or Rocki or Minds tokens when people stream my music or engage with my content would be so good regardless of blockchain. And have that automated just happening in the background.

Join me in all these places, it's easier and more fun to create wealth together. Subscribe

Here's to the long journey 🍻🚀
