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TDS — An Introspective Look at a Growing Problem

Dr C CatMay 29, 2019, 12:06:33 PM

//Originally published on medium, Feb 28 2019, till the shitbirds censored me//


Greetings and salutations, I am Dr. C. Cat (the one and only). Today I present to you a case study on what is commonly referred to as Trump Derangement Syndrome (TDS). TDS as defined by the Urban Dictionary as:

“Trump Derangement Syndrome (TDS): Unhappiness caused by the election of Donald Trump to the Presidency of the United States. Sufferers display an inordinate loathing for and preoccupation with Donald Trump. The grief and distress they suffer are real.” (Glad, 2016)


Cases of TDS have been on the rise since November 2016. Suffers from TDS can suffer from acute to chronic symptoms such as, but not limited to: sleeplessness, over-eating, under-eating, excessive tweeting and/or blogging, screaming in the form for ‘REEEE’, visual hallucinations (often in the form of Russians), selective listening (especially when a different viewpoint is offered), and wild accusations of racism towards non-racists. WARNING: Stage 2+ victims are easily triggered, approach with caution.


TDS is said to have 5 stages with noticeable and pronounced behaviors. Often times suffers can switch from one stage to the other, often without warning.

Stage 1 - TDS

Stage 1: In what is often referred to as “REEEE girls” these individuals are often muttering words like, but not limited to: Not my president, #RESISTANCE, impeach, Russia, literary, Hitler, Nationalists, fascist, racist, trolls and/or any combination of the previous words. These individuals often keep to themselves and are rarely seen outside of their social circles.

Frequent gathering place of Stage 2 sufferers: Award Shows

Stage 2: These individuals suffer from a lack of impulse control. In most cases, these individuals will use projection (Freud, 1956) to put their own inner feelings on to others. What makes this more pronounced than Stage 1 is these individuals often have and use public forums to spread their sickness to others. Places like award ceremonies, interviews, award ceremonies, social media platforms, and award ceremonies are frequent gathering places of Stage 2 sufferers.

TDS — Stage 3

Stage 3: Suffers from this state use their status to call for violence to others. In the advanced stages of the disease, the afflicted lose all touch with reality. Opinion is unmoored from fact. (Raimondo, 2016). These individuals often call for violence, but not act on it themselves. The first widely publicly reported case was conducted by Kathy ‘ISIS’ Griffin in 2017.

Stage 4: This stage can be observed by its symptoms of manufacturing of evidence, conspiring treasons acts, and planning of sedition. These individuals often have ‘insurance policies’ based on fabricated evidence (Pandey, 2017) or flat out lie like Buzzfeed (2016, 2017, 2018, & 2019) or the Smollett 2019 case.

TDS — Stage 5

Stage 5: This is the final stage of the TDS epidemic: violence against a democratically elected leader and/or his supporters. Please see James ‘Tom’ Hodgkinson incident, Chicago-16 incident, and others.


Caution of the Blue Areas

DS can be passed on by several methods. The first vector and obvious most contagious source, is from environmental factors. These places are often referred to as “blue areas”. These areas are often infested with soy, beta-males and wild-haired feministas.

Other areas where vectors can be found are at left-wing universities and schools. Be cautious of people who refer to themselves as: SJW’s, Progressives, Activist (individuals often refer to themselves as reporters) and politicians with a “D-“ in front of their names.


While a cure is possible (#WALKAWAY, 2018), many will still suffer because of the amount of damage to the pre-frontal cortex and their immunity to hearing an opinion that differs from their own. Please if you or someone you love suffers from TDS, take them outside, get them away from the programming and take away their phones.


Dr. C. Cat (the one and only) is the first economic conservative cat blogger and fiction writer. If you wish to donate to me, please send me: cash, credit card numbers, Pay Pal, gold, silver, semi-precious stones, money orders, Bitcoin, Stocks, bonds, unmarked currency in non-sequential denominations and/or trade goods that can be used at a later date. I am willing to take cans of tuna as well.