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Movie Mashup - Sin White

Dr C CatMar 15, 2020, 4:24:37 PM

Let’s face it, Hollywood is out of ideas and is forced to call back to reboots after endless reboots, super zero movies and whiny-angst ridden dramas. So instead of being forced to shell out +$25 on crap, you can shell out ½ the price of a movie ticket on my crap. So sit back and enjoy my movie pitch.

Today we will be combining:: Sin City + Snow White to make Sin White

In a kingdom ruled by the mighty elite, gangs in the forests and corruption running rampant there stands one princess who fights for the very soul of the soulless kingdom. Sin White has returned, to reclaim her kingdom.

This brand new film, presented by Dr. C. Cat, explores the dark seedy underbelly of the miserable world of the Kingdom of Basin. This movie will soon be a reel classic exposing the evil of Basin Kingdom.

Evil Queen: I want her dead, you hear me? I want that little upstart dead and buried…call in…The Huntsman.

Action like you’ve never ever seen it before…

After seeing Sin White passed out after taking several hits from a gun battle with the Hunter and being saved by the Maleficent Seven:

Doc Hooker — Now, go Huntsman, and that your boss this is our territory!

Bashful Hooker — She’s an Angel.

Grumpy Hooker — Angel, no, this one is pure evil, lika rottin apple. She’s from da ‘Family’, and da Family is poison! They’re full of wicked wiles!

Bashful Hooker — What are wicked wiles?

Grumpy Hooker — I dunno, but I’m agin’ ‘em.

There’s a shaky truce between those who rule forests and those who rule everything.

Random minion: Snow got the drop on our best hitman!

Queen: I don’t care if she got squats or singing squirrels, but I want Snow dead! Why are you all still standing here, bring that bitch to me, NOW!

Snow kicks in the door and behind her are 7 midget hookers armed to the teeth.

Snow: The bitch is here!

There is no justice without sin,

There is no sin without Sin White…

We gots yo' back, Snow


Dr. C. Cat (the one and only) is the first economic conservative cat blogger, and sometimes fiction writer. If you wish to donate to me, please send me all the tuna you have in the house. I would be sure to send back an empty can so it can recycled. If anyone wants to pay for my license for Adobe Photochop, I will welcome that as well…