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+1-844-224-8288 AOL Download For Windows/Mac

downloadaoldesktopgoldJan 30, 2019, 7:05:50 AM

Install AOL Desktop Gold for Window

For Windows OS

To AOL Desktop Download you must have a PC which meets the system requirements.

 Operating System: Windows 7 or more.

 Processor: Intel Core 2 Duo 2.4 GHz or AMD Athlon 64 X2 2.4GHz.

 Memory: At least 2GB RAM

 Hard Drive: At least 14 GB of free Space

 Graphics: GeForce 8600 GT / ATI Radeon HD 3450

 Sound: DirectX 9.0or higher compatible sound card

 Screen Resolution: 1024 X 768

Steps to Download & install AOL Desktop Gold

For a New AOL user

If it’s the 1st time you are using AOL. Then you have to get an AOL

Account first to enjoy the AOL services.

1. Open your web browser and search for AOL. Then click on the official website link result.

2. After that, choose a plan to buy according to your need.

3. When you will buy an AOL membership, you will get an AOL account.

4. Click on create a new account. Then enter all the required information and don’t forget to create a strong password to be safe from cyber threats.

5. When you will complete the create account process, you will get a message on your AOL email which says “Start with AOL Desktop Gold”.

6. So, if you want to Update AOL Desktop Install . Click on “Start with AOL Desktop Gold”. It will initiate the downloading process.

7. When the download is complete. Initialize the installation process by double-clicking on the executable file.

For an AOL member

If you are already an AOL user then it will be easy to get the AOL Desktop Gold software on your computer.

1. Log in to your AOL account and on the first-page click on “My Benefits” tab.

2. Then look for AOL Desktop Gold and click on that.

3. Afterward, choose to Download AOL Desktop Gold.

4. Then, to Install AOL Desktop Gold software follow the same process as New AOL members.

For Mac OS

Downloading process of AOL Desktop Gold for Mac OS is same as Windows OS users, depending on you have an AOL membership or not. If you don’t have AOL membership then buy a plan. Else, proceed to the installation process.

Install AOL gold on Mac OS

1. Before starting the installation process, ensure that the downloaded AOL file is not corrupt or your computer doesn’t have any suspicious file which can harm the system.

2. Then open your web browser and go to the official website of AOL desktop gold.

3. Enter into your AOL account.

4. After that click on “My Benefit” section.

5. In the appeared window find AOL Desktop Gold and click on Download and select a location where you want to save the downloaded file.

6. Then go to the download location and double-click on AOL Desktop Gold executable file.

7. It will run the install AOL Desktop Gold Follow the suitable screen instruction to complete the installation process.

8. At last click on “Finish”.

Troubleshoot steps to fix the installation issue

Installation error with AOL Desktop Gold in a computer can occur due to various reasons like a faulty computer, Virus attack, corrupt software files etc. So, while installing AOL Desktop Gold on your computer, if you encounter any hiccups then try below-given techniques to solve this issue:

 Use Windows Defender or any other Anti-Virus to scan the whole computer and remove every suspicious file from the computer.

 Check the drivers installed on your computer.

 Check the system requirements to install AOL Desktop Gold.

 Check if the Install Aol Gold is not corrupt.

Source Url-: http://blog.ratebe.com.au/3661/%2B18442248288--AOL-Download-For-WindowsMac.html