
*Google/youtube has investments in the vaccination industry and collaborates heavily with communist China YOUTUBE/OWNED BY GOOGLE DEEP FINANCIAL HOLDINGS IN THE VACCINATION INDUSTRY - https://www.bitchute.com/channel/FXIrsQIig5mC/ minds.com/diabolical_vaccination_industry also at gab.com but gab has constant post updating problems https://gab.com/stop_dirty_government https://www.brighteon.com/channels/truthnow2020 - BRIGTHEON HAS SOME WEIRD THING WERE IT DOES NOT COUNT VIDEO VIEWS. INFORMATION ON SUBSTANDARD MEDIA PLATFORMS AND LOW VIEWS SHOULD NOT DETER CONSIDERATION OF CONTENT OR RESEARCH START POINT https://www.brighteon.com/channels/hopeful2020
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*Google/youtube has investments in the vaccination industry and collaborates heavily with communist China YOUTUBE/OWNED BY GOOGLE DEEP FINANCIAL HOLDINGS IN THE VACCINATION INDUSTRY - https://www.bitchute.com/channel/FXIrsQIig5mC/ minds.com/diabolical_vaccination_industry also at gab.com but gab has constant post updating problems https://gab.com/stop_dirty_government https://www.brighteon.com/channels/truthnow2020 - BRIGTHEON HAS SOME WEIRD THING WERE IT DOES NOT COUNT VIDEO VIEWS. INFORMATION ON SUBSTANDARD MEDIA PLATFORMS AND LOW VIEWS SHOULD NOT DETER CONSIDERATION OF CONTENT OR RESEARCH START POINT https://www.brighteon.com/channels/hopeful2020