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InvechExchange-New exchange of crypto timor leste

DjancuQJun 27, 2019, 1:58:10 PM

Timur leste is a small country in the north West of Australia and the Southern part of the island of Timor, Even Though It is considered a small country East Timor Started to Place foot to Manage the Advanced digital Age, Initiated by InvechExchange, Timorleste has Turned into a Brand New Block Chain technology

Around InvechExchange

InvechExchnage is exchange platform that provides blockchain invention that permits organizations to modify to blockchain, technology blockchain offers low decentralization, globalization and waste. Experienced experts who need to produce East Timor the country with blockchain technology through invechExchnage.

InvechGroup a timor leste government business that was licensed to govern and operate every firm associated with crypto currency and block chain created invechExchange, the Invechgroup has been full of pros and business groups from China, Hong Kong, Indonesia, Malaysia and Timor Leste. That intends to build up East Timor post war attract currency and to develop into paradise to crypto money.

Issues encountered

Recruiting are a significant advantage of a nation but a number do not need wisdom abilities and riches to make their financial price, leading to income inequality within their lives.

The other difficulty from the Timorleste Is It Doesn't Have a valid state money to restrict financial policy and exchange prices, Interest policies to manage the width of cash so that the central bank Doesn't Have the Energy to Be a bridge which will form the market of the neighborhood


Block-chain is a smart tech that's been used by a number of nations, being a system of payment, data and voting storage, block-chain has many added positive aspects, Invech employs this tech as the ideal solution for intending smart nations later on, since it's understood that block-chain technology was employed for both business, health, fund, to manufacturing, distribution chains not to mention the us federal government. The block-chain can help in order they are able to shape their financial market provide East Timorese access.

Invech has been proceed forward with a number of idea and support from timorleste's government to generate timor leste that the upcoming bright nation. Timorleste Will Get an crypto infrastructure which can completely entice overseas investors to Produce Timorleste

invech feature

A. Invech Crypto Currency Exchange

B. Government Block-chain Services

C. Invech World Wide Block Chain Entity

C. Invech Consultancy

D. Timorleste - Invech Foundation

E.Connecting East Timor into the Road and also Belt Initiative

InvechExchange is now start IEO (INITIAL EXCHANGE OFFERING) means of this app as a very first step towards a prospective world wide virtual market and network.If you want to know more about their app, please see their official site: https://invech.io/index.html

To get more info about Invech, please visit some of the sites below:

Website: https://invech.io/

AnnThread: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=5052844.0

Whitepaper: https://tokensale.invech.io/documents/ieo-whitepaper.pdf

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/InvechExchange

Twitter: https://twitter.com/invechexchange

Telegram: https://t.me/InvechOfficial


