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Lights Turned Off By “Democracy Dies in Darkness” Washington Post

Patrick ByrneOct 27, 2019, 6:10:59 PM

Originally posted on 10/3/2019 by Patrick Byrne

The story thus far:

Abha Bhattarai of the WashingtonPost wrote an article on me. Read it and my deconstruction thereof here: Come See the Sausage Being Made .

Abha then asked for more comment. Being new to Twitter, I just learned about its polling feature. I put up the links so the public could read Abha’s piece and my deconstruction, then ran a binding poll, asking the public should I talk to the public through Abha, based on reading her work and my response. 69% of a good-sized (n=301) poll of the public voted that I should skip “Washington Post agitprop” and instead find an “honest and deserving journalist” with whom to work.

Public Vote on WashPost vs. DeepCapture

On Abha’s Twitter feed I publicly asked her if she would care to comment. Her response? Abha Battarai of the Washington Post ( where “Democracy Dies in Darkness” ) is now hiding this information from her followers on Twitter. How odd.