Steadfastly exchanging scribbles, sketches, drafts and renderings into cash, food, diapers and bills paid. Filling the gaps with some labor work, metal, stones and lumber, slumber and scribbles again.
Many friends and family helped us make it through this year. There is heavy pressure to put down the scribbly pencil and find a 9 to 5.
Here are some corporate collaborations I've worked on in the past dozen or so months, at least the ones I can legally share.
All these images are licensed to their respective owners. Unlike my other work which is typically creatively communable.
Salt Spring SuperBeans:
BeachSiDE Kayak Adventures:
Winged Heart Farm:
Athletic Evolution:
Sovereign Cycle:
TB Stonework:
Maple Tree Montessori:
Media Benders:
I've also been doing some collaborations with and That collaboration has a strange metaflavour, and it's manifestations are all over the curryhobo channel and the mindful tokenization group, .
The warmest creative exchange of the year came from a restaurant I kept going to while muraling in Norwalk, CT. The noodle bar known as Mecha... everytime I finished an amazing meal there I would leave a few drawings of the servers there, with the tip. Bartenders and Cooks. Weirdo caricatures. They began laminating them with their menu laminator, decoration for their staffroom... My last night there I ordered a super epic meal with pints and appetizers and and big luminant bowl of curry. I threw them a few more surreal portraits as I ate, and when I went to pay they said my $70 bill was on the house.
Scribbles can be exchanged for healthy, deeply loved food.
doodles for noodles...
#illustration #animation #graphicdesign #labeldesign
@iancrossland @xirtus @ottman @satorid @macvogt