After the defeat of the Persians in 479- 323 B.C . started the classical period of Greece.
What is the classical period?
The rise of Athens and Sparta.
Athens was a open society, governed by a Democratic government that thrived through commercial activity that drive them to the The period of Perikles’ leadership in Athens is described as the “Golden Age”
In the other hand Sparta was a closed society governed by an oligarchic government led by two kings organized its affairs around a powerful military that protected the Spartan citizens from both external invasion and internal revolt of the helots.
Why it was so important?
Because in this period they had produced remarkable cultural and scientific achievements. The city of Athens introduced to the world a direct Democracy the likes of which had never been seen hitherto, or subsequently, with western governments like Great Britain, France, and USA emulating it a thousand years later. The rational approach to exploring and explaining the world as reflected in Classical Art, Philosophy, and Literature became the well-grounded springboard that western culture used to leap forward, beginning with the subsequent Hellenistic Age. The thinkers of the Classical Greek era have since dominated thought for thousands of years, and have remained relevant to our day. The teachings of Socrates, Plato and Aristotle among others, either directly, in opposition, or mutation, have been used as reference point of countless western thinkers in the last two thousand years. Hippocrates became the “Father of modern medicine”, and the Hippocratic oath is still used today. The dramas of Sophocles, Aeschylus, Euripides, and the comedies of Aristophanes are considered among the masterpieces of western culture.!!
ART was also rise in this time Greek artists of the fifth and fourth centuries B.C. attained a manner of representation that conveys a vitality of life as well as a sense of permanence, clarity, and harmony.
The elegant, calligraphic style of late fifth-century sculpture was followed by a sober grandeur in both freestanding statues and many grave monuments One of the far-reaching innovations in sculpture at this time, and one of the most celebrated statues of antiquity, was the nude Aphrodite of Knidos, by the Athenian sculptor Praxiteles. In architecture, the Corinthian—characterized by ornate, vegetal column capitals—first came into vogue. And for the first time, artistic schools were established as institutions of learning. And many many more ..
That was a small introduction in classical era of greece I will make more blogs with more details later on