
Hello ! I'm a french freelance visual artist who also make electronic music :) i just finished school and hope i can share with all of you my work ! here is my personal website: you can find here my graphic work, cartoons, music and videos ! I'm interested in technologies hybridation, virtual worlds and entities and our world experience as contemporary individuals. Don't hesitate to message me or comment to give me your impressions, advices, ask questions, or anything else! I'm here to share and have some feedback to improve and make new things ! Have a nice day, PEACE
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Hello ! I'm a french freelance visual artist who also make electronic music :) i just finished school and hope i can share with all of you my work ! here is my personal website: you can find here my graphic work, cartoons, music and videos ! I'm interested in technologies hybridation, virtual worlds and entities and our world experience as contemporary individuals. Don't hesitate to message me or comment to give me your impressions, advices, ask questions, or anything else! I'm here to share and have some feedback to improve and make new things ! Have a nice day, PEACE