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Straight out of twitter and forcing myself onto your minds timeline. Possibly here to waste your time or entertain. With uploads of my music and shitposts galore with rantings of things that don’t really matter. So stick around drop a comment and take a front row seat on all the nonsensical crap right off the top of my head. I share memes, art, opinions, and various things I find strange or interesting. So get comfy sugar nuts cause the previews are over.
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Date: All
Straight out of twitter and forcing myself onto your minds timeline. Possibly here to waste your time or entertain. With uploads of my music and shitposts galore with rantings of things that don’t really matter. So stick around drop a comment and take a front row seat on all the nonsensical crap right off the top of my head. I share memes, art, opinions, and various things I find strange or interesting. So get comfy sugar nuts cause the previews are over.