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Christian, Identitarian and Community

carymakerJul 6, 2020, 9:45:55 PM

For the white identitarian, the question arises whether the Christian church is helpful or harmful regarding the demonization and replacement of white people in the western nations? And is the church helpful or harmful in maintaining a spirit of nationalism which preserves the heritage of western civilization? Does the church minister helpfully to white people?

From an observer looking from outside the church, the answer at first glance is a resounding no, The church is positively harmful to the well-being of white people. This is why many on the dissident right are very negative regarding the church. The harm from delusional progressive churches is evident for all to see. Indeed, there are many Christian organizations such as Catholic Charities/US Conference of Catholic Bishops, Lutheran Immigration and Refugee Services, Church World Services, World Relief and the Episcopal Migration Ministries that facilitate and actually make money from refugee migration. Most of these organizations have embraced liberal theology and have abandoned any Biblical authority.

We then look at the more conservative churches and once again we see words and actions that are also harmful to white people. How are leaders of conservative denominations bringing the counsel of God to speak to us in these times? Sadly most are silent. Scandalously, some are siding with those that are intent on destruction. They call upon the law-abiding white people to repent of sins that are not theirs. The call for apologies from white Christians for imagined sins. There is no encouragement or edification of the church but rather cowardly statements. Is there anything more appalling than the shepherd in alignment with the wolf?

That is the current dismal report of the cultural position of Christianity. What I would like to posit in this blog posting is that although the current state of Christianity looks bleak, there is great potential to be a unifying influence of our people. Many advocates for white people are found primarily online and speak of a desire to see real life community interactions between our people. In community we can build, encourage and grow together. There are five reasons why Christianity and the church in particular, can be the starting place to build those communities.

1. Segregation: Churches are already segregated: One measure of ethnic diversity in the congregational setting is that more than 80 percent of the church comes from the same ethnic group. Using this measure, about 86.3% percent of Christian congregations in America are mono-ethnic. Of course most church leaders desire their churches to be multicultural yet that is not what people choose. People feel more comfortable in a mono-ethic setting where cultural communication is easy and trust is higher.

2. Community: People long for community but this is already present with churches. There are of course closed Christian communities such as the Amish and Mennonites. But less observed is the conservative Protestant church communities which although not closed like the Amish but are nevertheless a communities embedded within the modern culture.

3. Homeschool: The biggest participants of homeschooling are conservative Christians as well as orthodox Jews. This is important to build healthy white communities as the currently woke public educational system is destructive of our people.

4. Traditions: Some non-Christian white advocates try to revive old folk tales and traditions that can help bind our communities together. However for the last 2000 years, Christian traditions have been woven into the warp and woof of our culture and are recognizable by nearly all people.

5. Nationalistic Voting: The political left often derides the evangelical Christian nationalistic voting preferences. The dissident right also is quick to look down upon Christian conservatives for being too shallow and not recognizing the important trends of society. This criticism may be valid but what other group is voting consistently for nationalism? What other major voting bloc wants to protect the traditions and culture of America?

6. Conservative Christians generally have large families thus a better position to conserve our white values and culture.

In summary, while currently the Christian church is working against the interests of white people of European descent, there are remnants of core elements still remaining that we can build upon. Segregation, community, homeschooling, traditions and voting patterns are still present in many Christian communities. Wouldn’t it make sense to build upon this foundation rather than trying to create communities without a starting point?