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Arguments and Questions

John CleaveJun 7, 2019, 10:49:11 PM

The use of logical fallacies, tone response, contradictions, ad hominem, name calling and the like all contribute towards having a bad argument.

For example, a person presents an argument because they believe the point of it may be the truth, this person is now the defendant. Another person has identified differences and irregularities between the defendant’s truth and their own so the new participant has become the challenger and suggests that the defendant’s truth be false. Now that they have a disagreement the challenger suggests a counter argument and proceeds to ask a series of questions so that the defendant can further redefine their argument to discover whether or not it can reach a logical conclusion. However, the defendant hadn’t examined their argument an adequate amount prior to presenting it and instead of allowing their self to be open to new thought presented by the challenger they turn to using fallacious argumentative techniques as initially stated above, resulting in an out of control spiral into ignorance.

Because the defendant resorted to using counterproductive techniques in their argument no progress was made in the argument, neither participant had gained any new knowledge and opinions remained unchanged.

The challenger did no wrong as they only pursued a further knowledge of the defendants truth.

The problem comes from the defendants irrational ignorance.

“True knowledge exists in knowing that you know nothing.” — Socrates

This is an excerpt from a long form article I am currently working on for my website.

Up vote and subscribe to my channel to read it once live and published.