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Why You Should Reject The Cashless, Social Credit, Control Grid

Butch CrassidyNov 11, 2020, 5:53:08 PM

When the "smart grid" and social credit system are fully operational, and the world has gone cashless, questioning the political and media establishment will get you locked out your bank accounts, and the economic system as a whole.



You won't even be able to have conversations, about your concerns, in private, because your "smart" gadgets will be listening to you, recording what you say, and uploading it to, "the cloud". They already are.

There's no need for an authoritarian government, to bug your home, when you've already done it for them; with your tablets, laptops, and "smart" gadgets.

There's no need to get jackboot, order followers, to spy on everyone, when AI can use the microphones on your gadgets, to listen for the tiniest hint, of wrongthink, in the words you use, and the tone of your voice.  

You won't have soldiers kicking your doors down, to  round you up, and put you in a camp; for your wrongthink.

Instead, you'll be forcibly ejected, from the state managed, economic system. You'll be left, unable to pay your mortgage/rent, travel, or buy food and medicine; even if you have the money to do so.



(Ad) This post has been sponsored by uscitiesandstates.com. The uscitiesandstates.com free report, Decentralization Is Our Strength, tells you about the way to resist federal tyranny, they don't want you to know about.

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It'll be easier and more effective to lock you out of the economic system, leave you homeless and starving, and hold you up as an example to others, than it will be to round you up, and put you in a "re-education camp."  

At least, until the state says it's time to redistribute your vital organs, to someone who doesn't question it's actions or authority.


There doesn't have to be some grand conspiracy, for this to come about.  

It's the banality of evil. This is the direction we are headed, as long as political and economic power players continue to act in their self-interest.

It's the direction we are headed, and as long as most people, continue to trade their privacy and control over their economic lives, for convenience and "free" stuff.

It's coming, regardless of who is president, for the next 4 years.

It's coming, but that doesn't mean, it has to be our future.


The solutions are simple, even if they might be a little inconvenient.

The solutions are to, "just say no," to a cashless society,  to use gadgets that give you the option to turn off the mic, camera, and location tracking, at the hardware level; and to open the door to currency competition.

It might also make sense to limit expressing your controversial thoughts and ideas, on major social platforms like Facebook and Twitter; and use alternatives that value privacy and free speech, like Minds, Gab, MeWe, and Parler, instead. 

It's harder for tech giants to justify locking you out of a "social credit system," because of your political views, when you don't use their systems, to express them. 

Gadgets with physical switches, that let you turn of the camera and mic are a harder sell. They're imperfect, but I believe the Puri.sm and Pine64 laptops, phones, and tablets are worth taking a close took at. 

The microphone and camera blocking app, D-Vasive  also looks like a good way, to project your privacy. 

In order to fully escape the cashless, social credit, control grid, there needs to be currency competition.  

Money is important, but it's just a tool. Under the right circumstances, just about anything can be used as money. The reasons most people default to government and central bank money, are more than just habit and convenience. 

Governments require taxes to be paid, in their established currency. They also require tax accounting to be done, in that currency. Then legal tender laws and the capital gains tax work to secure the government and central bank, money monopoly. 

For a cashless, social credit control system to be effective, there needs to be little or no competition, for the government and central bank, money.  

The simple solution is to transact with precious metals and cryptocurrencies. The trouble is, legal tender laws and capital gains taxes make transacting with alternatives to government and central bank money difficult, onerous, expensive, and time consuming; for legal businesses. 

Even without outright, government bans on gold, silver, cryptocurrency, and barter transactions, the door to meaningful competition to government and central bank money is, effectively, closed. 

Opening the door to meaningful currency competition will require repealing legal tender laws and removing the capital gains tax. If the capital gains tax cannot be repealed, entirely, then gold, silver, cryptocurrency, and barter transactions, need to be made to be exempt, from capital gains taxes.  

It seems that tax accounting requirements might be a bigger barrier to meaningful currency competition, than legal tender laws. If we have to choose between repealing legal tender laws, and removing the capital gains tax, for alternatives to government money should take priority. 

It has it's limitations, but people seeking to reject a cashless, social credit control system, might also want to consider exploring agorism



(Ad) This post has been sponsored by uscitiesandstates.com. The uscitiesandstates.com free report, Decentralization Is Our Strength, tells you about the way to resist federal tyranny, they don't want you to know about.

 When you get your copy of the Decentralization Is Our Strength, you'll also get a limited time discount on most uscitiesandstates.com products, and a free subscription to the uscitiesandstates.com newsletter (you can unsubscribe and any time). 

Click here, to get your free copy of Decentralization Is Our Strength, today.



If you have any other ideas, thoughts, or suggestions on why and how to resist the coming cashless, social credit, control grid,  let me know, in the comments below. 

Maybe I'm wrong. If you think so, let me know, why and how I'm wrong, in the comments.