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Boy with autism the youngest to attend Oxford University at age 6

BrightVibesJul 6, 2020, 10:06:22 AM

Now 13 years old, the young scholar who has dreams of becoming a neurosurgeon was recently listed in the top 30 most remarkable people in the world with Autism who have impacted society.

Joshua Beckford, age 13, Future Doctor: “I Want to Change the World”

Living with high-functioning autism, Joshua Beckford, the child prodigy from Tottenham was, at the age of six, the youngest person ever to attend the prestigious Oxford University. He received a certificate of excellence after getting distinctions in all his courses which were part of an online learning platform for gifted children. Now 13 years old, the young scholar who has dreams of becoming a neurosurgeon was recently listed in the top 30 most remarkable people in the world with Autism who have impacted society.

Joshua Beckford Is The Youngest Kid To Attend Oxford University

Here we see an 8-year-old Joshua Beckford with his Dad talking to London Live about his achievements and living with autism. Joshua Beckford became one of the youngest students of Oxford University at age just six.

Source: YouTube/Jojo917

Joshua took courses in philosophy and history and passed both with distinction

At just 10 months old, Joshua Beckford’s father, Knox Daniel, discovered his son’s unique learning capability while he was sitting on his lap in front of the computer.

With the keyboard being the child’s interest, Daniel said: “I started telling [Joshua] what the letters on the keyboard were and I realised that he was remembering and could understand. So, if I told him to point to a letter, he could do it… Then we moved on to colours,” Daniel added.

At the age of three, Beckford could read fluently using phonics. He learned to speak Japanese and even taught himself to touch-type on a computer before he could learn to write.

“Since the age of four, I was on my dad’s laptop and it had a body simulator where I would pull out organs,” said Beckford.

In 2011, his father became aware of a programme at Oxford University that was specific aimed at children between the age of eight and thirteen.

To challenge his son, Knox Daniel wrote to Oxford with the hopes of getting admission for his child even though he was younger than the age prescribed for the programme.

Fortunately, Beckford was given the chance to enrol, becoming the youngest student ever accepted.

The brilliant boy took a course in philosophy and history and passed both with distinction.

Source: Face2faceAfrica.com

Joshua and his father, Knox Daniel

Joshua’s Dad, Knox Daniel, discovered his son’s unique learning capability at just 10 months old.

Parenting a child with high-functioning autism comes with its own challenges

The young Beckford was too advanced for a standard curriculum, so he was home-schooled. Having a keen interest in the affairs of Egypt throughout his studies, the young prodigy is working on a children’s book about the historic and ancient nation.

Aside from his academic prowess, Beckford serves as the face of the National Autistic Society’s Black and Minority campaign.

Being one with high-functioning autism, the young child helps to highlight the challenges minority groups face in their attempt to acquire autism support and services

Last month, the wunderkind was appointed Low Income Families Education (L.I.F.E) Support Ambassador for Boys Mentoring Advocacy Network in Nigeria, Uganda, Ghana, South Africa, Kenya and the United Kingdom.

The youngster also raises funds for three autism charities (two in Africa and one in the U.K.) and is celebrated for his campaigns to save the environment. He recently wrote the poem Saving Mother Earth at the TEDx International Conference in Vienna.

Scroll down to see Joshua’s TEDx Talk in Vienna: The World Through The Eyes of a Child

Source: Face2FaceAfrica.com

The world through the eyes of a child | Joshua Beckford | TEDxVienna

Joshua Beckford was an 11-year-old boy with Autism (Published on 29 Nov 2016). This makes him special because he experiences the world differently. He has a passion for making the world a better place and believes if we don't save our Planet nothing else that we do is important.

Source: YouTube/TEDxTalks

‘One of the most brilliant boys in the world‘ wants to save the earth and change people’s ideas

Described as one of the ‘most brilliant boys in the world’, Beckford also designs and delivers power-point presentations on Human Anatomy at Community fund-raising events to audiences ranging from 200 to 3,000 people.

For a super scholar whose brain is above most of his peers and even most adults, Beckford, according to his father, “doesn’t like children his own age and only likes teenagers and adults.

“Parenting a child with high-functioning autism comes with its own challenges,” his father added.

“[Joshua] doesn’t like loud noises and always walks on his tip toes and he always eats from the same plate, using the same cutlery, and drinks from the same cup,” he said.

He is, however, proud of his son’s achievements and believes he has a bright future ahead.

“I want to save the earth. I want to change the world and change peoples’ ideas to doing the right things about earth,” Beckford once said of his future.

Source: Face2FaceAfrica.com

In 2017 Joshua won the Positive Role model award for his age at the National Diversity Awards

The NDA celebrates the excellent achievements of grass-root communities that tackle the issues in today’s society, giving them recognition for their dedication and hard work across the UK.

3 ways to encourage your child to love learning

Learning is a large part of childhood, so why not make it fun? Start by providing opportunities for your child’s curiosity to unfold. Encourage your child to participate in new activities and find out what they love. When your child finds an interest, help them build on it and explore it. Help your child confront fears and feel safe when trying new things. Giving your child chances to ask questions about the world around them will help them stay curious and love learning. Click here to encourage your child to love learning.