
This is #nsfw page! Libertarian, prior USMC infantry, don’t be a deuche, I’m here for free speech and beautiful women. Currently stuck in a foreign country working for Uncle Sam doing personal security. #sendnudes or #sendnods both work. PS: just because I follow you does NOT mean I agree with you. I enjoy CIVIL discussion and opposing points of view. I am a Born Again Christian, just not very good at it. We all have our faults.
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This is #nsfw page! Libertarian, prior USMC infantry, don’t be a deuche, I’m here for free speech and beautiful women. Currently stuck in a foreign country working for Uncle Sam doing personal security. #sendnudes or #sendnods both work. PS: just because I follow you does NOT mean I agree with you. I enjoy CIVIL discussion and opposing points of view. I am a Born Again Christian, just not very good at it. We all have our faults.