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Kaolinový důl / Clay mine [Exploration]

bohemian.arrowsMay 31, 2021, 9:02:25 AM

Kaolin clay mine from the second half of the 19th century. Originally there was almost 6 km of tunnels, some nearly 6 meters tall, usually around 15 meters underground. All made by hand tools. Only about 3,5km were accessible when I got there in 2018 because of cave-ins that occurred in the last 100 years. I had a great time exploring it, there was a bit of everything, camping on the spot in heavy rain, and a day exploring the mine full of thick mud, well worth the time. 

in one of the tighter spots I went in first so I could take pictures of other guys squeezing in.
A bit of photoshop in the end.
Map of the mine with all cave-ins already marked.