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BeLL Platform

bogdanovyhFeb 27, 2019, 1:19:23 AM

Apa itu Dompet Cryptocurrency?

Cryptocurrency selalu dalam berita karena harganya yang tinggi. Tetapi perdagangan dalam mata uang digital membutuhkan beberapa hal penting. Memiliki dompet digital adalah salah satunya.

Dompet cryptocurrency sama seperti rekening bank yang digunakan untuk menyimpan, menerima dan mengirim mata uang digital Anda ke akun dompet lain atau menggunakannya untuk tujuan belanja. Apakah Anda ingin memperdagangkan mata uang digital atau ingin menjadikannya sebagai aset Anda, Anda harus memiliki akun dompet.

Memperkenalkan Dompet BeLL

BeLL Wallet menciptakan bentuk akhir 'dompet' yang membantu mengelola aset dengan cara yang 100% aman. Misi BeLL Wallet adalah menjadi 'dompet paling nyaman dan aman di dunia.' Sedangkan visi dijelaskan di bawah ini:

Dompet dengan Fitur Asuransi.

Use of Bell Tokens.

Joint Ownership of Wallet.

Decentralized Exchange (DEX).

Asset Transfer Protocol.

Original Token Issuance

Features of BeLL Wallet

The features which set the BeLL wallet apart from it's contemporaries include;


BeLL wallet is a decentralized wallet which is insured against loss of assets in a scenario where you are unable to access your wallet for whatever reason.

Mandatory Requirements regarding Insurance:

Twitter, Telegram and Facebook accounts are necessary when creating a BeLL Wallet account. A direct message from all account must be sent to verify your identity when applying the BeLL Wallet insurance coverage.

Image verification is required. Please upload an image when you create a BeLL Wallet account. The same image must be uploaded each time you apply for the BeLL Wallet insurance coverage.

Insurance Fees

Joint Ownership:

BeLL wallet offers it's users an option to have joint ownership over an account. A consequence of this is that funds cannot be withdrawn unless all approved users get verified.

Seamless Transition of Assets

The owner of a wallet is enabled to create his wallet with specified conditions that enables loved ones or colleagues to access the wallet on behalf of the owner in case of an unexpected event. This prevents total loss of funds in this scenario.

BeLL Token

BeLL platform official token has the ticker “BeLL". BeLL Token is an erc-20 compliance. The total supply of BeLL tokens is 100,000,000 and 30% of that will be put up for sale during the ICO while 20% has been allocated to airdrops and bounty programs

Token Distribution

Situs Web Resmi: https://bellwallet.io/

Whitepaper: http://bellwallet.io/BELLwallet_En_1219.pdf

ANN Thread: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=5079219

Twitter: https://twitter.com/BeLLPlatform

Telegram: https://t.me/BeLLPlatform

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/BeLLPlatform.Version1.01



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