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Sugar Isn't Just Sugar - Find out what the sugar you just bought for your homemade cookies contain

Ally FortisFeb 21, 2019, 1:46:36 PM

I never read the back of the sugar bag. I thought is just crystal sugar 100% natural, but is not like this. 

I recently bought powdered sugar to sprinkle on our homemade donuts and my instinct told me to read the back of the bag and I saw " powdered sugar with dextrose".

What is dextrose?

Dextrose is identical to glucose (the blood sugar you produce naturally and then naturally produced insulin come and keep the naturally produced glucose under control so you don't have diabetes, but your body can't fight an extra dose of artificial glucose).  Glucose is the most abundant monosaccharide, a subcategory of carbohydrates, but on the nutritional label they don't even mention carbohydrates.

On my powdered sugar bag say "10g of sugar/100g" when the weight was 100g, so I bought 10g of natural sugar and 90g of dextrose (artificial psychoactive glucose).

One of the well-known molecules of sugar are fructose and glucose. Fructose is sweet, but glucose has no taste and no color, but is psychoactive

It was discovered that a particular quantity of glucose (no color & no taste) will make the consumer want more sugar and eat more of that product. That's why you see a sugar value on salty chips because it's the glucose that doesn't make the salty chips sweet but makes you want more chips.

So you buy a bag of sugar that naturally contains fructose and glucose and then they add an extra, unknown, unspecified quantity of artificial glucose (dextrose) so it will trigger your brain to want more sugar in your coffee, more sugar in your tea, and so on.

And from here millions of people spiral into diabetes, obesity, heart problems and death.



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