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Philosophy: Logical Fallacies I

Scott CunninghamJun 15, 2018, 8:16:51 AM

Hey everyone, so I wanted to get more involved in writing on Minds and I wasn't entirely sure how I was going to go about doing so. I think moving forward I will try to cover philosophy, social media on the blockchain, alternative thinking and news, as well as occasionally share cool products, talk about cryptocurrency among other things.


Today however, I want to talk to you about logical fallacies! There are many and I'd like to go over them as I see a lot of these being committed on Minds. Remember for your argument to be logical, THOU MUST NOT COMMIT LOGICAL FALLACIES! Instead of just pointlessly copying and pasting, I will describe these in my own words for you, if that isn't your thing, check out the bottom for references. Otherwise, kindly read on...

Ad Hominem Fallacy

This is the fallacy where instead of trying to refute an actual argument or claim by an opponent, you attack their character in some way. This can include but is not limited to their intelligence, appearance, reputation, heritage, etc. This in no means helps an argument or furthers the conversation making it a complete waste of time, unnecessary, and offensive.


The A Priori Argument Fallacy

This is where you start with a pre-set belief or mantra as a fact and then using that authority to justify it in some means. This is primarily seen in theistic debates and reasoning. A great example would be "The bible is 100% true because it says so in the bible itself." Now as great as that would be to believe, you can't make the argument with the argument itself as the evidence.

Ableism Fallacy

This is the absurd belief that because someone is in some way (even just perceived) as lesser that they naturally deserve less and can be freely victimized by those who are smarter, luckier, or have less moral values among other things. Also known as profiteering, vulture capitalism. The reason it's a fallacy is because you can use it to argue absurd points like, because I work more hours than you I deserve better healthcare. Ironically because you work so much, you're stressed and NEED more healthcare so is that really a fair argument? No, that's why it's a fallacy.


Actions Have Consequences Fallacy

This is where a person of authority falsely describes to you a type of imposed punishment as a consequence of someone else's negative act. For example as a child a teacher may have said you'd better sit there and think about what you did because you'll be in big trouble if the consequences of your actions result in further punishment. What does this even mean? Well I'll tell you what it means, it meant that if the issue which was already done with was escalated for whatever reason (probably PR or something) to the principal and then the school board or whomever and they decide more action needs to be taken to look they way they need to look, THEN they act. Realistically though that has nothing to do with you and in real life this can't be used an argument because it holds no validity. If I step on a butterfly I may open a blackhole in 1 million years, but there is no real correlation. It's a false way of creating new rules or "laws" by posing them as inevitable.

The Affective Fallacy

Using emotions or feelings as arguments that are self-validating and immune to criticism. Example: "I feel that you have committed hate speech against me and because you cannot know or tell me how I feel. If I feel it, it must be true."
Now we know this is completely ridiculous, however this fallacy is used more than you think. Another example: "I feel oppressed, there for I am." This is a dangerous and extremely commonly seen fallacy today. It should be obvious that feeling are not facts, nor are they proof or evidence of anything. 

There are really so many fallacies! So, I'll do this in a small series as there are actually a HUGE amount and then after I'll do a summary of them all or the most important ones to be aware of. If you don't care about my list, but want some frame of reference...
Check out these 2 resources I like to use and often refer to:


If you love philosophy as much as I do, feel free to give me a thumbs up and share your thoughts. 


If you want to make sure people aren't committing logical fallacies be sure to REMIND them!


> Check out my previous article <

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