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The Male Crisis Part 2 | The Masculinity Crisis and How Feminism Caused it

Unquiet ContentionJun 9, 2018, 11:42:12 PM

Discussions surrounding masculinity in the twenty first century seem to have an air of distastefulness; as though the discussion of ‘that old thing over there’ is unfashionable, antiquated, a thing of the past, an attitude modern day feminism is responsible for.

On the other side of the isle, those whom are openly masculine are openly masculine, but those who are not are not, the Alphas and the Betas and so on.

From both sides, the Feminists and the Right-Wing resistance we see much discussion of masculinity, either in its unfashionableness or in terms of its absolute, but neither are talking about masculinity in its truest form.

To be masculine is to chemically express testosterone, that much is common knowledge but it is so, so much more than that. There is an antiquated idea that to be masculine is to not feel and to be emotionless in the fact of not feeling, but as a man I can tell you that absolutely isn’t true.

Men are, if they haven’t been castrated physically or mentally by toxic ideologies, more likely to be ‘thing’ focused on an object, designing an object, finding an object, etc. than they are to be focused on a person. Women tend to be much more interpersonally focused and indeed dependant on others. There are countless studies to back this up, feel free to look them up.

The more strict the rules set about by would-be Social Justice enforcers to destroy this idea simply show what a huge difference there is. A fantastic example is in Iceland, where there are indeed gender equity laws and huge incentives to get women to work in masculine fields.

The introduction of these policies saw the number of women in masculine fields such as construction drop immensely. The very act of trying to remove gendered roles caused a huge surge in them re-emerging. These products are the result of individual choices and are, if such data were easily found in every country, likely to be the case for all roles.

I wrote an article centred primarily on this topic, find it in the first link of the sources section, it is titled ‘Why Women Earn Less Than Men, As Fast As Possible.’ (Source 1)

The long and short of it is that men and women are different. That isn’t, or at least it shouldn’t be controversial to say. Despite the statistics, and often boldly and ignorantly in the face of such statistics, feminists insist that men and women are fundamentally the same, that they are ‘blank slates’ and that gendering by society shapes us to be who we are.

Well if that were true, wouldn’t it be the case that women in Scandinavia and Iceland itself would see a marked decrease in the adoption of gendered roles? Of course, we would, but that is not what we see.

And persistently in journals and newspapers with a progressive slant we see constant re-enforcement of ideological and illogical beliefs in the ‘harm’ that men do to women, as if all men were a collective.

We even see some particularly horrendous articles suggesting the problem is with the efficiency of men, and that men ought to slow down production to suit the pace of women. (source 2) Now, what an absurd notion to tell another person to work fewer hours just to even the playing field.

I will remind you that these hours are available to both men and women and are offered to both for an equal pay under the various international equality laws of the UK, US and Europe. And yet what do we see? Individual choices of women favouring fewer hours and less work, but the blame being put on the efficiency of men rather than the choices of women.

It is akin to telling a salt miner to slow down his production of salt and just take a rest because the other miners want to get some too; production is production, who produces does not matter. All that matters is that production is being done at a fair rate.

But then rises the Masculine Crisis itself: The complete and utter disregard for all things masculine and supportive of males, male sports, male historical figures, and essentially everything that has ever been considered as masculine becoming a symbol of sexism.

Historical statues of people with questionable histories are removed despite their accomplishments, and yet the head of Karl Marx is allowed to stand? I and all reasonable members of the public must not support the censorship of history, but why such a selective standard? Why not remove all aspects of masculinity?

Because Marx is ‘a good man’ he is given a free pass. In time, his words and ideas will be replaced by those of female figureheads, and indeed they have, as such the Social Justice/Intersectional Feminist movement was born. Even the murderous bastard is covered over by a skirt and a ‘Nasty woman’ tattoo.

The end goal, then is to eradicate all aspects of masculinity and replace it with at first diluted, domesticated masculinity; a tiger with no teeth or a bear with no claws, the ‘soy boys’ as they have been known, and to keep the nastier, more driven members on a hard-ideological leash as attack dogs, Antifa.

The assault comes in the form of the attacking of aspects of masculinity, such as the self-destructive nature of men and their competitiveness, see source three for my article explaining why the idea of ‘toxic masculinity’ is flawed, but the long-and-short-of-it is that self-destruction is needed within masculinity.

Those who fail, despite the punishments being laxer over the past one hundred years and the consequences of personal failure being reduced, that self-punishment reflex, the reflex that ensures we never make the same mistake again, kicks in.

As an example, if you bang your head on a wall while decorating, you will never make that mistake again if the pain was extreme enough. Now expand that definition to jobs, if you lose your job, the consequence isn’t starvation or homelessness necessarily, the number of connections you have access to and the social safety net will ensure you don’t starve to death while seeking employment.

Non-the-less, you feel worthless, hateful towards yourself, and women see that as a flaw, it isn’t. Women are on average too willing to accept tragedy where as men seek to prevent it, once again a defining difference between men and women; men seek to produce or prevent, women seek to find council in the arms of others or accept their position.

And once again this is the result of not blatant sexism, but the result of biological differences because it is statistically universal. Check out this link for the differences between how men and women use specific forms of communication and actions. (Source 4)

So as a final act of defiance against the truth, feminists and SJWs of all kinds simply resort to attacking the characteristics of men, attacking their attitudes towards subjects isn’t enough nor their opinions, but often breaking into outright harassment on Twitter, as well as the open disassociation of themselves from men.

The result is an immense backlash against said feminists/SJWs and often an open hatred of their values. It is often said that the real battles are fought in the hearts and minds of the people, and feminism wins almost no hearts nor minds. In fact, those who are openly against men and who openly admit to being so are hated even by those who identify themselves with the feminist movement.

But the many-fold problems men are facing, with increased workplace competition and the unemployment that follows, gendered quotas also helping contribute to that financial uncertainty, the increased independence of women causing both dissatisfaction of men due to the demands for them to work fewer and fewer hours, and the open assaults on masculinity itself via the enforced gender politics of the far-left in every single institution but the most resistant is causing men to become extremely depressed and feel a sense of loss.

Men feel more without drive today than ever before, as is evidenced by the popularity of Jordan Peterson and his ideas, and it is genuinely a crisis that it is taking a complete reset to demonstrate to men that they have any value at all, anything at all to contribute to society, that this isn’t ‘the new way of things.’

As a father of two, I will raise both of my children knowing that this society is cruel but fair, that your merits are the tool we must use to assess your worth and value, not money and certainly not personal identity. To my son I will teach the value of personal choice the most and the importance of thinking freely.

But it distresses me that I will have to teach him why he has worth in this man-hating culture. It is just that, what else can you call it?

To my daughter, I will teach the value of never falling in with the crowd and choosing your words carefully, questioning everything and resisting addictive, toxic ideologies that tell her she is a victim.

I suggest you do the same, and remember that you as a man or as a woman have worth and value to those around you, and that isn’t determined by your own personal sense of self-identity, nor gender, but it should be determined by the content of your character and your motivations.

And if you are a feminist, one of the ones who hasn’t gone too far down the rabbit hole, it’s not too late to stop. Whatever patriarchy you think exists doesn’t any more.

Women out earn men by 3.6% now. (Source 5) Women make up the majority of people who are accepted for entry into university, with 30,000 more accepted than their male counterparts. (Source 6)

Ladies, whatever war there was against the ‘patriarchy’ is done. Now it’s time to allow men to be men, and if you can’t do that then we will tear down everything you have made over these past forty years.

Never underestimate the power of the silent majority.

Thank you for listening.


1. https://www.minds.com/blog/view/805479935521144832

2. https://www.minds.com/media/851605131483123712

3. https://www.minds.com/blog/view/832271627763208192

4. https://www.northsidecounselling.com.au/couples/124-differences-between-men-and-women

5. https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2011/nov/27/young-women-earning-more-men

6. https://www.theguardian.com/education/2017/aug/28/university-gender-gap-at-record-high-as-30000-more-women-accepted