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Global Bank of Lies

Luminous▼SovereignMay 14, 2018, 12:00:28 PM

The nation of Liechtenstein is ruled by the Royal House of Liechtenstein and they own the private banking group called LGT Group or Liechtenstein Global Trust with Prince Maximilian of Liechtenstein as the CEO and President. Prince Philipp of Liechtenstein is a board member for LGT and previously worked for Banque Rothschild in Paris. The Liechtenstein royal family owns the bank through Prince of Liechtenstein Foundation. In 2008 this bank was investigated for enabling tax evasion by various governments. Prince Mario Chigi of Rome was investigated for tax evasion involving millions and using private banks in Liechtenstein.

LGT provides private banking, asset management, and Venture Philanthropy which is used for financing criminals that use fake start up companies. LGT is an international bank with branches in Switzerland where banking is also private. The Liechtenstein family are closely allied with the House of Habsburg which authorized the principality of Liechtenstein. The royal family also hold the title of Counts of Rietberg in Germany. The family owns about a dozen palaces.

They are extremely wealthy, involved in private international banking, and run their own nation as a constitutional monarchy. The monarch has the power to veto laws and issue laws including the constitution. The family has married in with various Holy Roman royalty and nobility including the Habsburg, Esterhazy, Thun-Hohenstein, Harrach, Oettingen-Spielberg, Lobkowicz, Nassau-Weilburg, and Wittelsbach families. The Wettin coat of arms is also on the House of Liechtenstein’s coat of arms suggesting a Wettin or Saxe origin.

The House of Lie-chtenstein specialize in financing liars. The word govern-ment refers to control mind and spreading lies is one way they control society. They are a major bank roll for shills. They spread Nazi propaganda, they spread malicious lies and slander about people who expose them or their allies, and spread lies like fake news stories to deflect away from them. They are sadistic and ruthless liars and involved with pedophilia and human sacrifice.

The majority of the royal and noble bloodlines are involved with human trafficking, pedophilia, and human sacrifice. This is why they want to control everything and why they use ruthless, murderous, and torturous methods to obtain control. Prince Maximilian of Liechtenstein is the CEO of LGT and he began his banking career working for Chase Capital Partners in New York City. The royal and noble families seem like they have free access in the United States as if they are dual citizens.

Hundreds of European princes have residences, businesses, and employment in the United States. They often make banking and business connections in the United States so they can more easily finance and direct the criminal takeover agenda being attempted by the European royalty and nobility. The House of Liechtenstein is Roman Catholic and they are subordinate to the Roman Catholic House of Habsburg which they are frequently knighted under.

Prince Hans Adam II is the head of state and head of the family with his son Prince Alois next in line to the throne. Prince Alois is also a Roman Knight of Malta. The American billionaire David Lichtenstein is a covert relative of this family and an agent for them in the United States. David Lichtenstein owns The Lightstone Group based in New York which is a real estate investment company involved in residential, commercial, industrial, and hotel properties.

David Lichtenstein owns tens of thousands of people’s homes in the United States. That is corporate feudalism. David Lichtenstein is a board member for the New York City’s Economic Development Corporation and he is also a member of the Brookings Institution an economic think tank in Washington DC. Members of the House of Liechtenstein include Prince Hans-Adam II of Liechtenstein, Princess Marie of Liechtenstein, Prince Nikolaus of Liechtenstein, Princess Margaretha of Liechtenstein, Princess Nora of Liechtenstein, Prince Philip Erasmus of Liechtenstein, Prince Wenzeslaus of Liechtenstein, Prince Rudolf Ferdinand of Liechtenstein, Prince Alexander Wilhelm Hans Adam of Liechtenstein, Prince Maximilian of Liechtenstein, Princess Angela of Liechtenstein, Prince Alois of Liechtenstein, Prince Constantin of Liechtenstein, Princess Tatjana of Liechtenstein, Princess Sophie of Liechtenstein, Prince Joseph Wenzel of Liechtenstein.

I don’t want to go too much in depth in this article, I mainly want to inspire people to think critically and to sow some seeds.

-- As Usual:  Do your own research.

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