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Global REIT – Real Estate and Blockchain Technology

mirofameMay 13, 2018, 1:06:03 PM

REITs are great way to invest in real estate, but this business is carried on trust. Nowadays one of the best ways to gain your customer’s trust is to implement it directly into the system you provide. How you implement it? Using blockchain! Many systems that need trust are using blockchain and its smart contracts to provide it. The technology is implemented in thousands of systems and sooner or later will arrive in the area of the real estate investments. That is what Global REIT is all about…

What is Global REIT

Global REIT is just as every other “traditional” REIT, but with one difference – it is running on blockchain. This makes it secure and transparent. REITs itself are a great way to make wealth and real estate are a great investment. This combined with the blockchain technology, is making the first blockchain based REIT possible.

You will ask who is interested in such project. The first group with interest is the crypto investors, who are always looking for stable and profitable investment and Global REIT is providing dividends every month. Another group with interest is the real estate asset holders, because some of them are looking to found a better market and are seeing the crypto one as a great opportunity. Finally some of the biggest interested group is the REITs, who can “join” Global REIT and take advantage of their framework to enter the crypto domain.

The Team

Global REIT is founded by Ali Tumbi. He is amazing leader with experience and remarkable skills to find the best decision in the fastest way. Another important leader in the team is the COO Paul Christodoulou – amazing expert in real estate market, with more than 10 years of experience. The rest of the team is also amazing professionals with experience and knowledge in their fields. Overall the team is pretty good and I believe that they can succeed in their goals to create the first and best blockchain based REIT.

Global REIT’s website is well built and functional. Its design is mainly white with blue accents. It looks cool with interesting animations and high quality illustrations. For user’s convenience the website is translated to several languages. All needed links to social networks, media and documents are easy and intuitive to find. The website is giving very basic information about the project and I wish I can found more on it. That is my only black mark about the website, because overall is very good and convenient for the user.

The whitepaper is similar story. But here the lack of information is critical. The whitepaper contains 7 main topics in 27 pages. Looks OK, but the font of the document is pretty big, so the real information is not that much. I appreciate the ease to find any topic, but for a whitepaper I would like a little bit more information about the project. Excluding that issue the whitepaper is very well written and easily understandable. Again the user’s convenience is in first place. Overall – not bad, but a little tweaks will be useful.

The popularity of Global REIT is pretty good for the short time they are in public. They can be found in the most popular social networks and some other platforms. But the numbers are the best talkers here. Global REIT are having close to 2 thousand members in Telegram, 1250 followers in Twitter, 1150 in Facebook, but they can be also found in Slack, Medium, LinkedIn and forums like Reddit and Bitcointalk. Their posts are mostly articles about them and real estate markets as well as promotions about their ICO.

Global REIT is going to use two tokens – GREM (giving each subscriber a share in Fund Management Company) and GRET (giving each subscriber a share in Asset Owning Company). Both tokens are ERC-20 compatible and ETH, BTC and Fiat will be accepted for subscriptions. The payments are going to be paid in USD and Tether. The public ICO of both tokens is starting in first of June and it is ending in 30 of June 2018. For more information about the tokens you can look at the Global REIT’s whitepaper.


This project is looking great. It is providing something familiar (REIT) in a new way (with blockchain implementation). Global REIT is making an already good investment strategy even better by making it secure and transparent. It is having an amazing team with experienced leaders, to find the best road for the company. The website is good, but the whitepaper needs a spice of detail. The popularity of the project is pretty good for its time and is constantly increasing. Overall the Global REIT is very interesting project which deserves a look.

⚠️Disclaimer & Disclosure: None of what I provide in my articles is investment advice. Please do your own due diligence. A link to the article will be sent to the ICO team and they may issue a reward for it.

Global REIT’s website: https://www.globalreit.io/

Global REIT’s whitepaper: https://www.globalreit.io/front/whitepaper/Global-REIT.pdf 

⚠️Username at Bitcointalk: mirofame

⚠️Profile at Bitcointalk: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=1653137