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ARCONA: The Path to an AR World

RoonyBlackMay 5, 2018, 7:05:12 PM

What is Arcona?

In a world where space, suitable for advertisement, is running low, we need a way of creating more space and one of the best ways to do it is to use augmented reality, it is easily a better option than cutting down trees or stacking posters on top of posters and the team behind Arcona have done just that: they have created a new layer of reality which can be used by developers, marketers and users alike. Now, it would be easy for me to compare what Arcona does to some videogame technology that we still do not poses, or to J.A.R.V.I.S from Iron Man but honestly they manage to advertise themselves well enough so that I don`t need to make that comparison. Although I must add that Arcona is one of the first steps towards merging the real world with augmented reality and honestly it looks more like a leap than a step.

Arcona resembles something like an entirely new ecosystem that rests on a blockchain system, it`s basically a new layer of reality that can be used for whatever the owner of AR land wishes. You read right “owner of AR land”, this layer of AR has different land for sale just like the real world. The applications for which this land can be used are basically endless. From advertising to making the creation of AR easier, Arcona has pretty much everything. It even helps developers place AR objects remotely to wherever they want, even if that means placing a dinosaur at town square!

Yes there are a couple more projects like this one but they have one major disadvantage: they are limited to using only one AR device ( smartphones, headsets etc…) while Arcona is cross-platform which means that it can be accessed by pretty much anyone with a powerful enough device and every owner of such device has access to a large range of benefits and everyone can be on the platform simultaneously which means that you don`t have to wait in line to get to see that dinosaur that is in the town square.

Project Information

Even though the earliest date on the roadmap is in 2018, Arcona`s history begins in 2013 with their first evaluation which resulted in an investment after which many exams happened until it got to the point it is today.

According to the roadmap there are a couple of key dates that are to come and the years 2018 and 2019 are going to be full of updates which bring us new content. After those years the project is going to expand until 2023 comes around and the AR territory becomes 100 000 km2. Which by my calculations is more than enough to store a lot of advertisements and different projects done by all kinds of developers.

Every bit of important information about Arcona is neatly packed in a very beautiful package inside 50 pages of whitepaper and a lot of the data that needs to be changed often is displayed on their website. Personally I do not have any problems with either of those because they are well written and easy to understand.

Of course they need a token for themselves as well and theirs is called ARCONA, it has a low price of 0.0025 ETH and they have chosen their hardcap to be 25 000 000 USD and honestly, I think that they can reach that goal quite easily. Of course there are going to be a ton of bonuses but because of reasons unknown they have decided that there not going to be any bonuses during the last 10 days. If you ask about the total supply I cannot tell you because it depends on the ICO results but I can assure you that it is not going to exceed 135 000 000 ARCONA tokens.

If anyone was wondering- the founders of this project are Ilia Korguzalov, Diana Sorina, Tatiana Chernih and Daniel Girdea, together they bring a total of more than 40 years of experience to the project. They have brought together a team of over half a dozen of professionalists to ensure that the project is going to be made correctly. They have a lot of important advisors to help keep the team heading in the right direction towards the future of AR, furthermore insuring that Arcona is going to work. As well as the advisors, Arcona is backed up by a number of high end companies that wish to see the project come to life.

Is it that good?

Why blockchain? That is a very valid question. I know a person that, after reading about Arcona, asked me the same question. The truth is that there are plenty of other ways to create this AR layer over the world but blockchain is most definitely the best way to go about it. Conventional methods of keeping track of land owners just wouldn`t be able to keep up and wouldn`t be as safe as making a blockchain system that can easily remember and keep track of land owners. It is the same thing with content holders, software holders and everyone else, blockchain is just mathematically better suited for the job. Another one of its plusses is that it can ensure the protection of copyright for developers and helping owners protect their property rights all around the world.

In other, simpler words, blockchain allows safer asset management inside the system, which of course makes for a better experience for users, developers and market experts.

In the future I expect them to create some sort of a fool-proof filter for content that shouldn`t be viewed by certain audiences, because that dinosaur might not be suitable for people with weak hearths. Although, for now they are doing great and I cannot wait to see how things are going to develop from this point onward.

Disclosure: This article is participating in the ICO Bounty Media Campaign for reward. Please be advised that everything written in the article is my personal opinion and it is NOT investment advice. 

Arcona Website: https://www.arcona.io/index.html

Arcona Whitepaper: https://www.arcona.io/doc/arcona_white_paper_en_3.pdf

Username at Bitcointalk: RoonyBlack

Profile at Bitcointalk: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=1702358