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Robotina Review: Revolutionary Energy Management Solutions - Part V

gusfatulmApr 18, 2018, 6:26:43 AM

Final Thought

As an regular electricity user, which almost all of us would be, I have been suffering from huge electricity consumption bills from the private sector. I decided to move to solar power but that installation and maintenance was a huge investment and so I finally decided to continue with the service I have been using. After researching on the internet I came to the conclusion that electrical supply and consumption, as well as huge bills, are not a problem that I am facing alone. There are billions of people around the globe that are having similar concerns too.

There are many people who advocate the power of the alternate source of energy but they are not that efficient and popular globally and have lots of limiting characteristics too. Also, they are highly unaffordable to the general public who cannot bear the burden of huge electricity bills only. After some more research, I came to know about Robotina. As I was new to the bitcoin technology, I was reluctant to give it a try first but then just signed up to get some more information.

Robotina is a platform that identifies the problems associated with the electricity distribution system and aims to cut down on power wastage by turning off the power supply to unattended appliances. This way it aims at saving electricity so that areas and appliances that are in need for more energy get the electricity as per their requirements. If there is a lower wastage of power then the electricity bills are also reduced to a great extent. This can be beneficial for both the power supplier as well as the user.

It is not that these lifestyle changes cannot be maintained manually. But as humans, we tend to forget to switch off the lights or fans while leaving a room. Forgetting to switch off the cords connected to mobile charging or of television is a lot more common. Robotina aims at reducing power wastage at these points.

This platform is currently live but there are other advancements going on in this technology. They aim at achieving the solution for electricity problem using the HEMS system i.e. Home energy management system. This is a smart technology which contains an operating system based on artificial intelligence. This advanced system can monitor the weather forecasts, keeps a check on the appliances in the house, and also monitors the energy price data. By turning off the idle appliances it redistributes the power to other appliances that are demanding more energy. They are also having a BEMS system for businesses and factories all around the globe.

Currently, the ICO has introduced a crowdsale in order to expand its project further and to reach global markets. The team of Robotina ICO is quite experienced and innovative and also they have good marketing ethics. They have taken all the necessary measures to make this platform truly decentralized and allows maximum public participation in the project. I am quite impressed by this project and wish them luck for further advancements. I am sure that their passion for innovation in technology will lead to better solutions for the future.

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