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12tribesApr 17, 2018, 12:21:32 PM


Time and again, man has proven by his feats and achievements that whatever is conceived can become reality, if he persists and continues to work towards achieving his goal(s). Years ago, the developments that presently play a major part of our living would never have been thought possible, however, great minds and ingenious thinking has made this a reality. Man has devised means and measures to make life easier and stress –free. From harnessing energy from the atom to tapping energy from the sun, from the messy locomotive to the new super model that runs on levitation. Man has and is continually evolving newer, better and much efficient ways of doing what he wants to do with the ecosystem and environment in mind.


Today’s world is one that is radically experiencing digital transformation via technological breakthroughs in Engineering, Information management and technology, Science and even the Arts. Daily, huge volume of information is transmitted via print, telecast, web and social media.

While the Print and Telecast media is usually a one way direction, the web and social media are platforms where there can be interaction between the communicating parties thus making it a two way system. Usually to access most portals, certain personal information like name, phone number and email address are a few information details that may be required.

Over time however, certain firms and organisations have been found to have directly or indirectly sold to third parties data entrusted in their care by users of these platforms and this has resulted in a breach or misplacement of trust. Because of this, most Users and the public at large tend to no longer furnish true, personal and highly sensitive details choosing to rather use aliases and pseudonyms or declining altogether which unfortunately makes the data bank of well-meaning individuals and corporate bodies to be untrustworthy and unreliable.

Furthermore, activities of hackers and system disrupters have proven that even a ‘well secured’ platform may be compromised by flaws in a program and thus make the users of this platform very vulnerable.

A recent example can be seen in the data scandal involving facebook and a third party which is presently been investigated by the Senate of the United States as at this time of writing. Another not too recent but worthy of mention case is the hacking and accessing of the data of JP Morgan Chase bank in the United States


The way out of the present predicament is the blockchain technology and ESSENTIA holds the key to unlocking the solution. In 2009, the Pseudonymous Mr. Nakamoto Satoshi introduced the idea of the cryptographic ledger wherein information may be algorithmically encrypted and decrypted using keys (alphanumeric codes that are case sensitive) and vital to this unique method was that third party or centralized operation that used to be the norm was completely eliminated.

To further add beauty to this novel method, the time stamps on each contract shows when the information or contract is keyed or executed.

The cardinal advantage of the blockchain technology is its property of decentralization.

ESSENTIA brings the much awaited and desirable solution to the problem of data security in today’s technological driven world and offers great peace to users (both human and machine) by the creation of a trustless, decentralised platform that may be deployed to locate coordinates, accurately secure data and make life easier and decentralised.

With the emerging of Essentia, the fear of data theft or corruption will be a thing of the past.

The Essentia platform, because it will be tokenized, will see the sale of Essentia Tokens (ESS Tokens) to investors who will be partnering with the Team to make the ESS platform a successful one. ESS tokens are ERC20 based and as such will be compatible with any ERC20 wallet. Upon the successful completion of the Initial coin offering (ICO) there shall be no other creation of additional tokens and if the tokens during the ICO were not completely purchased upon reaching the hard cap, the left over tokens will be burnt.

It is interesting to note that the benefits of the essential Platform cannot be overemphasized as the importance and uses include but are not limited to it been used as an antispam tool, working as the driving force in the ESSENTIA ecosystem, keeping it profitable among many other benefits.

Judging by the benefits and solution outlined in this work it will be easy to see why any smart investor should not invest in the ESSENTIA project. The mode of payment or purchase and other details of the ESSENTIA token (ESS Token) may be accessed at the web page of Essentia https://essentia.one/

Lastly, the team of the Essentia project comprises reliable, trustworthy and proven crop of professionals who bring experience and dedication to the project to make sure the project is alive and running.

Welcome to the Decentralised Platform! Welcome to ESSENTIA!

For further information please visit any or all of the following links:




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