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Popular YouTuber Tarl Warwick (Styxhexenhammer666) Announces Write-In Candidacy for the Vermont Governor’s Race.

OuraniaApr 12, 2018, 7:18:39 PM

Popular independent political commentator Tarl Warwick (Username: Styxhexenhammer666) announces his candidacy for Vermont governorship. Warwick has 224,000 subscribers on YouTube and has consistently been one of the largest figures on independent, pro-free speech media sites such as Gab, Minds, Bitchute and formerly Vidme. Warwick insists he won't take a salary if elected and will take a hands off approach to governing apart from lowering taxes, fighting the opioid crisis through decriminalization and rehabilitation, and protecting the civil liberties (including gun rights) of the state's citizens.

Warwick, who is known for his deadpan delivery and frequently wearing a leather jacket with no shirt, identifies as a classical liberal/libertarian and has long been supportive of LGBT rights and other left wing causes, often saying of victimless crimes "Who fucking cares?"

In the video announcing his candidacy released April 12, 2018, Warwick states that he will not dress or talk differently when campaigning or when in office if he wins. "For those who thought that I was joking yesterday on Twitter, I actually wasn't. I am now officially throwing my hat in the ring for the governorship of Vermont."

Warwick is a former LaVeyan Satanist and currently describes himself as a pagan and an occultist. In addition to videos on current events, Warwick edits and publishes paperback editions of occult texts and creates video summaries on historical occultism from various traditions.

Warwick has attracted criticism from activists such as Right Wing Watch writer Jared Holt in an infamous October 2017 hit piece titled "White Supremacy Figured Out How To Become YouTube Famous". In the piece, Warwick and other popular alternative media figures such as Sargon of Akkad, Roaming Millennial (both of whom are multiracial) and Stefan Molyneux (who's mother is Jewish) are criticized as "enabling the hate" for being willing to talk to "alt-right" and "alt-lite" figures such as Mormon mommy blogger Wife with a Purpose, American political activist Brittany Pettibone (who was recently banned from the UK for speech crimes), and alt-right YouTube personality Tara McCarthy. (McCarthy is a mixed-race fourth-generation Holocaust survivor.) Right Wing Watch is a propaganda website run by neoliberal pro-corporate media thinktank People for the American Way.

Warwick, who started his YouTube channel in 2008, has attracted a large and dedicated fanbase among libertarian, nationalist, pro-gun, and pro-free speech audiences, and is notable for his frequent admonitions not to get caught up in "moral panics", comparing current hysteria over hate speech to the Satanic Panic of the 1980s among others.

Warwick is possibly the first major alternative media figure to declare his candidacy to a major public office. If his candidacy is successful, it could open the door to future campaigns from other independent media figures with large internet and social media followings.

That's about all. Peace out.