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Shivom ICO Review – Genomics Meet Blockchain

RoonyBlackApr 3, 2018, 6:32:33 PM

We can learn a lot by someone’s genes, but first we have to learn ‘which gene is for what’. That is why Shivom’s goal is to create the biggest genomic and health database in the world! With the genetic information of millions of people, artificial intelligence and BIG data, scientists can learn a lot about human’s genetic code, resulting in massive improvements in the healthcare all over the world.

There is more – all the information is property of its biological owner, or simply explained – your genetic and health information is digitally yours too, and nobody can do anything with it without your permission. Although you can allow being anonymously used for scientific purposes only. That platform can be used worldwide and is very accessible, because the price for DNA research for one individual is under 500$ and is becoming lower and lower.

The DNA research is one time healthcare investment for whole lifetime and can help a lot, especially with giant database of other people’s DNA. That is allowing Shivom to be widespread in developing countries as well as in the rich ones. Shivom is creating the fundamentals of the future global DNA based healthcare system!

The Technology

To begin a new age of genomic healthcare solutions Shivom is using a lot of cutting edge technology. They are using complicated technologies and connecting them to work together, in order to make their platform possible. Some people will say they are just using some tech buzzwords to suggest complexity, but every technology is having its benefits to be used.


By making DNA sequencing affordable and accessible Shivom is intending to create the biggest DNA database. That is allowing them and third party organizations to make research and improve treatment to common diseases like diabetes, Alzheimer and others. Discoveries of these researches will make the diseases easier to find and cure.

Big data and AI

DNA data collected by Shivom will be used for different purposes like diagnostic, drug re-purposing and re-positioning and research. The amount of data that is in one person’s DNA in enormous, not even talking about billion people’s genetic information. 

That is why to make a research using that data is needed state of an art deep learning methods. They are helping to find patterns in the data, which can be used for prediction of diseases and other problems in individuals before they even start to develop. That can improve worldwide healthcare a lot. These researches are going to boost up genomic science and to provide answers to a lot of questions.

Blockchain usage

The technology which makes the Shivom’s platform free and decentralized is the blockchain. Smart contracts are utilized to facilitate all transactions on the blockchain platform to include: Storage of user information, metadata of genomic sequence data, access lo0gs, Circle of trust and ERC20 Token (OmiX). Shivom’s blockchain can be run on Hyperledger Fabric, Etherium, Qtum and others. 

Its main components are Decentralized apps – to communicate with the Shivom’s platform, Etherium blockchain – to handle ERC20 token and Hyperledger Fabric – with the main purpose of having smart contracts, store metadata and provide access to genomic data. IOTA Tangles, which are a bit different than classical blockchain, are also used. Overall Shivom is using a lot of the best blockchain technologies and somehow it is making them to work together, that is amazing job!


A new project or company is as strong as its partners. That is why Shivom is having strong and powerful partners in technological, science, marketing and financial spheres. One of their most important partners is Ocean, which are the creators of the used in the Shivom’s platform Ocean Protocol. Another important partner is Genetic technologies; they are working in this sphere since 1989. 

Spherity are partners in the IoT and IoE part of the project. Another big partner is AmaZix – a world’s leading community management and engagement firm. Other partners from the crypto economics side are Jaxx, Bancor, HitBTC, ICORating, StrategicCoin, DeHedge, ICOBOX, CryptolandPR, Coinomi, BTC-Alpha and more.

Website review

That is one very good website! Its job is to grab you at the first place, to ask yourself to learn more about that interesting project. The design of the website futuristic is dark with bright blue accents. The illustrations and animations are in great quality. The structure is great, and all needed information can be easily found. 

This is great experience for the user, and that is important. Also all kinds of outside links can easily be found – from social networks and media trough team, partners and investors to events and news from third party media. The contact page is very clear, which is very good for user’s ease. Information on the website is not too much, while helping to understand the basics of the project and the vision of the creators.

 They managed to make it informative while keeping it simple and interesting. At the bottom of the website can be seen picture of the co-founders with kids in India, which shows dedication to the project and its objectives. Overall the website is looking great. Everything is in its place and information is well balanced. Great job!


Shivom will help scientists to research and cure diseases easily. It is also pushing the technology – not only the genomics but it is using several different blockchain networks together in its network! That is amazing! With genome information used for research billions of people now and in the future can be cured by terrible diseases.

Shivom is having great large community in the social networks, with a lot of positive reviews by the media. They are having amazing team with top specialists and professionals to develop the platform to its best, powerful investors to finance the creating of the project and great partnerships with the best in their spheres.

Shivom’s Website: https://shivom.io/

Shivom’s Whitepaper: https://shivom.io/files/Whitepaper.pdf 

My BTCtalk Profile link: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=1702358

My Username: RoonyBlack