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March for Our Lives was just another Anti-Gun demonstration, until the Parkland Shooting [updated]

Sarah EaglesfieldMar 31, 2018, 10:28:48 PM


Officer Earhardt has advised via email that he misspoke when he said there had been months of planning. The permit was filed on 13th March 2018; 11 days before the march.


An email message from an officer at the Metropolitan Police Department in Washington D.C states that March for Our Lives was planned well in advance of the Parkland shooting.

According to Dr. Eowyn at Investment Blog Watch: independent political researcher Ole Dammegard received an email from Officer Scott C. Earhardt, of the Homeland Security Bureau Planning and Logistics Special Operations Division, stating that the Metropolitan Police Department received a permit application several months prior to the march, and there was several months of planning involved.

Email received by Ole Dammergard at Investblogwatch.com

As the Parkland Shooting occured on February 14th 2018, and the March for Our Lives took place on March 24th 2018, it certainly seems as if the rally was originally planned as a run-of-the-mill anti-gun protest, which then hijacked the Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School tragedy to push their political agenda further.

(with thanks to @Alpha_Furyan for alerting me to this article)


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