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Drilling into the mind of a SJW – Part 1: The Five Layers

RealNewsApr 28, 2018, 9:29:27 AM

Podcast-Version: You can now listen to me reading it instead of having to read yourself.

The following blog is kind of an elaboration and extension of a previous one made quite a while ago (you can read it here). Both attempt to explain what exactly is going on in the minds of what is known as “Social Justice Warriors”, “Libtards” or as I call them “RIPs” (see here).

Reference Chart

Drilling into the mind of an SJW

Part 1: The Five Layers

Base Information:

This first part will be mostly philosophical and theoretical, to the point where some might just tune out and say “what a load of ---”. It focuses on explaining the five layers of a mind as best as I can, while I haven’t really researched a lot into that direction, this is what I observe about myself. But as I will elaborate, though I try it is almost impossible for it to be the full, entire, whole, absolute truth. It is also very likely that in millennia of philosophy others will have gone the same or similar ways before.

As far as I can tell, there are five layers that make up the core believes, values and convictions of SJWs as well as every last normal human being on this planet, though of cause the content and thickness of these layers may differ. We have (from the out to the inside) the Distorted Image (DI), Private Knowledge (PK), Self-Perception (SP), Protective Ignorance (PI) and Core Truth (CT). There is a reference image embedded below. Many may now correctly suspect what these layers represent. I assume a lot of people instinctively know this without realizing and manage how their layers interact not on an intellectual but an instinctive basis. It’s similar to how we know what angle and thrust to apply to a ball ball when throwing it towards another person factoring in gravity, distance, speed while most of us don’t know the math behind it.

Layer 1: Distorted Image

This would be described as “what we think we look to others”, the “image” we think we hold among our peers. Various DIs exist for different people: We want to look different to our family, to our friends, to people whose only interaction is seeing us on the street for a moment. It includes things like our look (whether we use make-up, what hairstyle we have, our cloths, etc) as well as character (how we greet, what impression we try to archive, etc) and especially status symbols (big car, expensive house, etc).

It is the most superficial layer but sadly in a society like this we focus on it too much, or at least I think so. Many try to uphold an image of wealth and buy cars too big for their actual budget going into debt for no apparent reason. I think most when asked on the street would agree to the statement “looks matter too much today”, but then I also suspect most of them would a minute after return to putting on toxic make-up harming their skin to be congratulated on their looks and undergo some meaningless but costly surgery getting breast implants to up their “sexiness” and get the date for the night.

Actions are included in this. We use different jokes, different greetings, different ways to introduce ourselves to different people from different groups of people in different environments and different situations. The way we talk, down to entire accents and vocabulary changes often without us truly realizing. In each scenario with each person involved our brain automatically adjusts the way we present ourselves to maximize whatever we want. Have a talk, have a laugh, have a raise, and all without us even actively trying.

So to sum it up: The DI is what we think we’d look if we were the other person and only given the information we relayed to them on purpose. There are as many as we know people and groups of people, each being different if only slightly and also influenced by the situation, environment, our current mood, etc. But none of it is exact because of two reasons: First, others know and notice things about us we don’t think they do and secondly we know exactly that we are on purpose either making up or keeping hidden to create the different images. This brings us to the second layer:

Layer 2: Private Knowledge

This is attributes we know we didn’t supply to others combined with what was added on purpose, both to create various DIs. To say it simple: It is our knowledge both what we did and didn’t to make us look a certain way in a certain situation to a certain person or group. It can be described as simple as that: “Me” +/- PK = DI. All the actions described in DI are part of this layer. Nobody supplies all information to everybody at all times. With some friends in the backyard we smoke pot, but we don’t want our strict parents to know that. As a child with schoolmates we leave a bag of poo on the principal’s doorstep laughing, but we’d never want him to know it was us. And of cause every boy- or girlfriend is “the only one” with everyone.

There isn’t much more to say about PK, it’s simply a “membrane” that filters our “real us” in different ways to create various DIs. Filters like this overlap and mix and create a wide spectrum. But there’s always misinformation: First, again, others know and notice things we though we hid from them or are under wrong impressions of us (from what others tell, from lies, etc), with the faulty PK producing an imperfect DI. Secondly, we don’t actually see us the way we really are:

Layer 3: Self-Perception

This is what we think we really are. Our characteristics, our knowledge and intelligence, our wisdom, our strengths and weaknesses, etc. This is how we would describe ourselves to someone else without the PK, which due to our very nature as humans we couldn’t even do if we tried.

As everywhere else so far things aren’t as they seem. We have a distorted view on ourselves, just as we distort ourselves to create DIs to others. It is normal for people to have a healthy assessment on who and what they are, but who of us can truly say they give themselves always the exactly deserved amount of credit in all things? We have certain skills and talents, we have certain things we can show to others, but we also know some of it was luck, some we asked others how to do and everyone is the fruit of their teachers.

Imagine this: An artist and a programmer meet, get drunk and boast. The artist brags about how he created this wonderful statue and explains all its facets, their meaning and how they create a beautiful whole, with the programmer simply thinking “wow, this is so much hot air about nothing useful”. Then the programmer brags about some new sorting algorithm that works faster and has certain important properties that make it a huge accomplishment, with the artist thinking “that’s an awful lot of talk for someone whose work is mostly done by a computer anyway”. Both think highly of themselves and imagine the other person’s work as simple and easy because neither of them understand the other ones achievements and the problems overcome in creating whatever it was.

The most obvious area that this shows up in is social media, but in the exact other way: People see one-in-a-million achievements from others, try to compare it to themselves and find that all these amazing people do many amazing things while they are just pale in comparison. This is one of the reasons why social media makes many people unhappy, which in return leads to them amplifying their own achievements beyond what they are actually worth in order to compete. This then incites others to do the same and simply raises the general noise just like a herd of peacocks trying to surpass each others exaggerations. Those who simply can’t keep up are left behind to feel bad about themselves. I think of this as a big part of the problem that social media poses and part of the reason why I instinctively avoided until only about 13 months ago when I started this channel, and even there admittedly only to spread and discuss ideas and opinions. I think that especially children shouldn’t be connected to the entire world from a young age, nor should anyone who knows they are weak of mind yet competitive. People who are steadfast and truthful in their character can use social media however they see fit without succumbing to its detrimental effects.

To sum it up too: None of us have a 100% accurate view on ourselves. We don’t know all about ourselves, we don’t know all about others and thus cannot accurately compare us to them. What we have is a special DI from us to us. And that special DI is also created by a special PK:

Layers 4 and 5: Protective Ignorance and Core Truth

I’ll keep this brief as I assume that most will by now now know exactly what comes next. The same way that DI = SP +/- PK there also is SP = CT +/- PI. What I want to say with it is that we cannot even be honest to ourselves, literally. There are things we do and ways we act we do not even notice, but also things we don’t want to admit to ourselves. PI is a mental barrier we have that prevents us from fully realizing the truth. In some ways it is because we can’t ever be fully objective. We always have our own knowledge and the DIs others supplied to us that change our scales and relations distorting our own SP.

It’s a stupid example, but if everyone increased the height they could jump not in reality but on video and picture to ten times the real values every person would see their own “tiny” jumping power and think “wow, I am really bad at this” even though it’s not true. This is the effect of other people’s DIs and PKs on our own SP.

To this adds the fact that most human activity is subconscious. This is where the CT comes into play: There are always things we don’t know about ourselves. Certain knowledge is kept hidden by our subconscious from us. In a way, we shield ourselves from realizations that would be uncomfortable to us. Everyone has things they know they do, but that are wrong. People lie to themselves they are beautiful through plastic surgery or fat removal and “fix” their appearance not only to deceive others but no longer having to stand up to their appearance in the mirror even though they should start to fix what made them this way in the first place, in case of obesity eat less sugar and fat and start exercising. Deep down they know. But they fix the symptoms and ignore the sickness. It is important to know four things about this:

It can go as far as literal self-hypnosis, where we managed to fool ourselves into believing a lie that we made up. One of the most common types is megalomania, where people see themselves as a great and powerful person, but in fact they know deep down they are merely upholding the DIs through PK to protect their fragile SP to the point where they have created a powerful PI that protects the SP from acknowledging even fragments of the CT. Because if they ever were to fully realize the truth, the layers would collapse and implode, like a planet that had its molten core exposed, leaving only the uncomfortable truth for all to see. The four realizations are that the rabbit hole can go this far and get this dark, that PKs are usually a more extreme, sometimes inverted version of the PI, that a change on either the inner layer (CT) or outer layer (DI) will cause shockwaves all through to the other end equal to how strong it was and that a breakdown of the PI would cause almost inevitable breakdown of that individual’s mind, assuming the discrepancies are big enough. People who live in a high degree of truth with themselves and others won’t nearly be hit as hard from this as people who don’t.

Similar to a cell, outside effects (for example heat or cold) can lead to the cell behaving entirely differently and in some cases shut down activity to survive, while changes in the activity produce waste (CO2, H2O, etc) that has an effect on surrounding cells. And in another way similar to Plato’s cave theory (which I partially used as inspiration for this): We cannot ever get the whole truth, but we can get closer to it. But exposed to the truth entirely, we’d be blinded and have to retreat.


Going back to what I said at the very start (that this likely isn’t absolute truth): If you read until here, you know why: Because all of this is my very own subjective analysis. Most of it is self-observation. So take it as that and add if you have different opinions or more information. It is likely that in the thousands of years that people have thought about the inner workings of the human mind many others will have come to similar or partially similar and connected theories. The only other inspiration that I know I used was some ancient Chinese philosophy about “the three faces we show to others, to family and to ourselves” (if I remember correctly), but it’s been a long time since I saw it put into a meme and scrolled past it.

Still, I think it is an accurate representation of the human mind. The next part will focus on how the layers are made up inside what we call an "SJW". It will explain why they act the way they do and I'll try to find some ways to wake them up, which (as the title suggests) may involve "drilling" into their mind and exposing the core. I would have talked about this now, but the theory behind it alone was more than enough for an entire blog.

If you have criticism or praise, but more importantly any more information to share or suggestions to make feel free to write them into the comments.