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The World Peace YES

esoronellasMar 28, 2018, 11:23:34 AM

Today I created a group on Minds for the #WorldPeaceReferendum—I started yesterday. I’ve already uploaded my vote and I will start promoting it so it can reach as many people around the globe as possible in order to have a better view of who agrees on starting to work for Universal Peace through Peace itself without the use of any kind of violence, oppression or discrimination.

After more—many more—than 2000 years testing violence to deal with human conflicts—big or small—and not reaching World Peace, we can conclude that violence doesn’t work. So, what other options do we have to solve human conflicts that have been confirmed to be more effective with humans?

There are infinite ways of dealing with diversity of opinions and mental health disorders, and here I will list only a few: dialogue, cooperation, integration, education, health care, patience, forgiveness, understanding, friendship, kindness, respect, satisfied Human Givens, democracy, respect of the Human Rights.

Therefore, voting YES to WORLD PEACE means that we demand that our elected politicians and all those who work to serve their equals—every human on the planet—stop using or justifying any kind of violence towards humans, and instead concentrate on the peaceful—often less expensive and much safer—tools and wisdom we’ve gathered through all those centuries of human experience.

Thanks, everyone. I wish you can see the light at the end of the tunnel in this Referendum and proceed with your vote. I would also love to hear your opinions and enrich each other’s minds with our diversity of perspectives. Love you all!

[Vote here]

[Conversate here]
