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Meme Labs vs Troll Farms: Parkland Students boast about controlling the news cycle

Sarah EaglesfieldMar 27, 2018, 8:01:44 AM

The Vanity Fair article showcasing how conceited (and organised) the Parkland Students are about controlling media attention slipped my attention earlier in the week, but it's as nauseating as you'd imagine.

In the interview, Hogg boasts about “the immediate choke hold that we placed on the news cycle, to make sure that people would not be able to look away from this”.

The rise of the #NeverAgain movement through social media has been unprecedented. The voices of the Parkland Students who want to protect the second amendment - Kyle Kashuv, Colton Haab and Brandon Minoff - have been muted in comparison, the latter currently having less than 150 Twitter followers, despite trying to make his voice heard. (@bmin61 - & he's just got the most awesome Marjory Stoneman Douglas 'Eagles' tattoo)

Funny how, when kids want to change the constitution, they call it a "meme lab", but when Russians do the same, it's a "troll farm". I don't foresee any indictments against the "Fab Five" any time in the near future, but just like the Russians, they're causing unrest in America - and a whole lot more effectively, it would seem.




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