It is a matter of what you have been programmed to Believe...Speaking in Generalizations of course...
Those who were brought up with accountability...expect accountability because we Know how it works...We have had to find a way to make things work our whole life...There are no obsticles we cannot overcome...We don't wait for someone else to tell us...and Good Luck if they could Tell us anything at all...We like to Know for ourselves. We think for ourselves...We Provide for our own...We handle our business and pay our own way and for others...We are not afraid of hard work or getting a little dirty...We think inwardly...What can I do to fix this or change it...and then we do it...We are Responsible. We have a Plan A and B,C,D,E...We are Proactive.
We are Thinkers and Doers and we wanna Know Why...We question things to Know for ourselves...We are Healthier Body Spirit and Mind because we are Connected inwardly and we Live by Logic Facts and Common Sense...We eat Healthier because we don't mind waiting for a healthy home-cooked meal made with love...We Learn from Others mistakes as often as possible. We work for the Long haul and Pay into the System the Whole time...
We tend to beleive in God Country and the Constitution...We abide by the 10 commandments as best as we can...and we atone for things when we have done wrong. We value our Freedoms and are Willing to pay the Price to Keep them...We know they don't come Free...Often sending Loved ones to Serve for our Contry to Keep us The Home of the Brave and The Land of The Free...They are selfless in their endeavors...Paying the price for others and sacrificing of thier own...for which the rest are Grateful.
We don't require other's approval as we are confident in our own decisions...Leading the way rather than following...We can stand alone in our Convictions on the Leading edge of Discovery and Know that is Good enough...Usually Driving the Bandwagon and Steering the Ship...Not that focused in wearing and having all of the latest and greatest...but can afford it if we want to for having made a savings...Living Life in Abundance because of the hard work and planning done from the start...More focused in Living Life in Joy with Families and Friendships...Getting Together in Fellowship...and Living Life in the Present...Embracing Change and Growth as it comes.
Those who were brought up with No Accountability have always had someone to clean up their messes for them...To bring them thier pave the way for them...Someone else to pay the price...They ask and ask for more until they are finally denied...then not knowing how to deal with rejecton they fall into thier emotions and find blame...Someone else did not come through...They think outwardly who else will pay my way...Who else will clean this up...Who else will make it easy for me...They are irresponsible to themselves and to others...Often holding their own self back from growth out of Fear of the unknown...Stagnate in thier existance if Thriving at all...Resistant to Change...
They cross lines...They take Risks...They Don't put much thought into their actions and how they will effect others...They are reactive to thier circumstances. They live by Emotion and How things make them Feel...They would refuse Logic in Favor of Instant Gratification...They are of a Toxic Mind Body and Spirit...They eat Toxic convenience foods...Take Medications...have Toxic Thoughts and Relationships and Tormented Souls over Lines being crossed and no payment for the turmoil they have created. There must be balance and they are way out of alignment...When you take take take take and don't give back...the scales fall out of balance and they feel the strain of carrying the burden of the load. They are Greedy in their endeavors...Thinking only of themselves. Living thier Lives in Debt with little to no intention/motivation/plan of paying it all back.
They tend Not to Beleive in God...Hate America/ns...and Despise the Constitution...The Bible is probably the last book they would open if it were to be opened at all. They sure don't ask forgiveness because it was always somebody else's fault anyway...They do not Appreciate thier Rights and want to give them away for Security instead. They often Do not serve in our Military and Do Not Consider our Rights worthy of Protection...rather they would Give them all away Freely at anothers expense.
They can only Thrive in the Acceptance of others. They tend to be Trendy and Follow Popular Public Opinion. Riding someone elses Bandwagon over the cliff without ever realizing it until it is too late...Always wanting More and Finding Lack...They tend to not like Family and face to face interactions...often turning to the Internet Social Media and digital friendships to fill the void. Living Life in the Past or the Future...But not in the Now...
It is all in our Programming...If you think you Can...You will...and if you think you can't you Won't...The more we tend to a certain behavior the easier it becomes until it is automatic and we just without thought or reason tend to that path...
The Good News is...You can Change your Personality in just a Thought...As soon as you decide to Change You will...And through repetition of behavior we will Grow a New Auto-Pilot...The more you go to Positive the more Automatic it becomes...and the more you tend toward the negative...The more automatic it becomes...The beauty is it is all in our Decision to make whenever we decide.
The Kicker is...You have to decide to take care of things yourself...No one can fix or change any one other than himself...Those who blame will always blame until they decide to not...Those who would blame are irresponsible to thier own actions...
Conversely...Those who take accountability will always take accountability...until they decide to not. Those who take Responsibility are accountable to their own actions and to/for others...
So until those without accountability decide to fix things for themselves...They will always be out of balance and no one can shift the weight other than themselves...Which will always make thier Perception of Reality askew.
Without Facts Logic and Common Sense you are Living in a Reality of your Own making based from Personal Emotions and self inflicted torment based on how you FEEL and React to things Instead of using Tangible Physical Facts and Events actually transpiring...All Out of Habit and Auto-pilot built over much repetition of behavior. Which is somewhat ironic because Repetition and Behavior is also the only way to make Change...It is just the Accountables use Conscienscious and Critical Thinking...While the Blamers are stuck in a pattern of Emotional Response and Unconscious Thoughts...and it will remain that way...Until it doesn't.