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Dragon Coin – Let’s digitalize the casino coins❗️

mirofameFeb 26, 2018, 12:16:29 PM

▶️2-Minute ICO Summaries - Dragon Coin:🎬

☑️First Impression

When I heard the name for first time, I said to me: “Hmm, why exactly Dragon Coin? Does their target are the casinos, because the dragon is symbol of fortune?”. Yes, I was right- the token is made exactly for them.

✅What is Dragon Coin❓

The coin of the Dragon is decentralized crypto token, made for the casinos and their players. The primary idea is to be a good alternative of the casino chips, that usually are unique for every casino and using of them is not very transparent. Dragon Coin is based on the Ethereum Utility token, which is very popular and have very good security. 

The token is used to participate in the Blockchain system of the Dragon. These tokens are used for exchange in DGC (Dragon Global Chips) at the casinos, where both of the casino and the player have the advantages of the Blockchain.

☑️What Problems it Solves❓

✔️ The Transparency – Everyone can see how many you earned/lost, in which game you did it and so on. In the most cases, the only, that have this information is the casino.

✔️ The uniqueness of the chips – usually, every casino has chips, that are exchanged only in it or in it casino chain. Here, with DGC you can play in every casino, accepting Dragon Coin, with no need to exchange in the local currency before exiting the building.

✔️ Lower cost for casinos, lower need for personnel – The creating of the chips cost money. With the Dragon Coin they don’t have this problem – all is digitalized. They also need few cashiers, because there are no casino tokens for exchanging.

✔️ There is no need for buckets with chips – all your earning is on the ATM card.

✔️ You are secured – nowadays, the Blockchain technology is the one of the most secure technologies for storing data, not only for cryptocurrencies. No one can rob your chips, because you don’t have it.

✅The Team

The executive team is pretty small (4 people) and multinational. The CEO Chris Ahmad is from Tailand, Paul Moynan is from the United Kingdom, Yabie Benjamin is from the Philipines. Most of them have LinkedIn accounts, that are pretty completed. The CEO nowadays is also Chief Exsecutive Officer in Expay Group Co. LTD, an Asian platfrom for online payments, similar to PayPal. All of them are professionals with big experience in the area. They was or are working on senior positions in big companies, like several defense-related, where the medicine doctor Dr. Alen Siy was working for .

The advisors are 13 and they are all over the world – there are students, casino owners and many others. One of them is Nick Spanos, the creator of the BitCoin exchange center(BEC) in New York. It is 6000 square foot space next to the NYC Stock Exchange. Also he is the Chief Executive Office for Blockchain technologies and he has very big experience in the software industry. He is very skilled in Glassroot organising, sales, E-commerce, Bitcoin and Enterpreunership.

Other advisors are Dean Cannel, Founder and CEO of CoinFabric.com, platform for supporting blockchain-enabled companies to raise funds.

(Some of the Advisers)


I think it is pretty popular in the social medias – they have pages in Facebook and Twitter and a Telegram group. They also have a YouTube channel, that is not very popular, with fewer than 500 subscribers and 2000 views, but in it they explain the advantages of the Dragon Coin and the principle of work. 

In the Facebook and Twitter, the group and the community is very active, for the last week there are more than 10 posts and tweets about it. In Telegram there are over 6000 members of the group, in Twitter the number is similar and in Facebook there are 10 times more.


✔️December 2016 Idea & Concept Development

✔️June 2017 First Strategic Partnerships

✔️August 2017 Initial Public launch

✔️November 2017 Private Pre-Sale

Here is interesting. The article is written in the last of February and they didn’t updated their status, so the plan is very ambitious, but I believe that in the near future it will become reality.


✅Whitepaper review

The design of the whitepaper is very good and it is very well structured. There is a terminology page, that are written all important terms used in it.

Building the base – It is described the entire network behind the Dragon Coin. Also other interesting thing is that all users will have ATM Dragon card.

Token generation effect -The plan is to become one of the largest token generations effects of the history. They think to give bonus DRG to core subscribers and to the Dragon social fund.

☑️The Website

The website is well designed, but it is slow – it needs more than 2-3 seconds to load, but all of the information loads at once. The color scheme is white and gold with some casino style accents. The animations are great, but as already said – a bit slow.

⚠️What I like in Dragon Coin❓

I like the idea of Dragon Coin, because is very innovative and is bringing new technology in centuries old industry in innovative way. I like the way that whitepaper is written, because is very professional and also looks great. The website is great and the team is best of the best. Speaking of them, I can wish them good luck with your work Dragons!

❕Dragon Coin’s website - https://tokensale.drgtoken.io/

❗️Dragon Coin’s whitepaper - https://s3.amazonaws.com/drg-token/Whitepaper-Dragon.pdf 

⚠️My BTCtalk profile: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=1653137

⚠️My BTCtalk username: mirofame