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The Truth About the Library of Alexandria

The Soul of the WestJan 17, 2018, 3:27:53 AM

The Library of Alexandria is by far and away the most widely known library of ancient times and is still lamented to this day for its loss, and of course this rightfully so because it contained the collective knowledge and wisdom of the Ancients.

This begs to question just how much wisdom and knowledge was lost just how much further we as human beings would be along technologically, philosophically, and otherwise if this bastion of knowledge had not been destroyed.

Which brings us to a very poignant question who really destroyed it and why? Was it done with the intention of holding back progress? If so who would want to do that?

Let's examine this terrible loss to mankind and the real guilty party for the loss of gem to humanity. But first let's have a look on the background of library itself to get a better understanding of it and the history surrounding it.

The city of Alexandria which housed the Library of Alexandria was founded in Egypt by none other than Alexander the Great, hence the name of the city.  Alexander's successor, Ptolomy the second Soter, founded the Museum, or Royal Library of Alexandria.  This was done in the year 283 BC.

The Museum was modeled after the Lyceum that Aristotle founded in Athens, it was a shrine to the  Muses. The Museum was much more than just a place of study it also included lecture areas, a zoo, gardens,  and shrines to each one of the nine muses and of course it had the now famous/infamous Library.

Many historians have estimated that at the height of is power the Library of Alexandria contained more than 500,000 scrolls/documents combined from Assyria, Persia, Egypt, Greece, India, and many other nations from the ancient Mediterranean.  There were more than 100 scholars who lived in the Royal Library full time to perform lectures, do research, write, or translate and copy documents. The Library became so large that another smaller branch of it had to be created.


The "Bad Luck" of the Library

Like so many other mysteries of the Ancient past attempting to find out the truth of the matter of the destruction of the Library has proven difficult and in many cases has degraded to nothing short of a blame game. Historians offer plenty of that may have been responsible or could have been the culprits for the destruction but in reality they are nothing short of decoys for the real culprits of this great tragedy.  When I speak about the culprits am of course referring to the third and final destruction of the Library. There were two previous destructions of the Library but they were only partials destructions instead of the one that everyone knows about that destroyed it completely.

Let's take a glimpse at the tragic history of this institution

1) Near destruction 48bc

The person that is nominally blamed for this destruction is Julius Caesar. This story may or may not be true and it goes like this:

In the year 48bc Julius Caesar was pursuing Pompey into Egypt and was suddenly cut off by the Egyptian fleet, thus ending up stranded in Alexandria. Now Caesar was greatly outnumbered and behind enemy lines so he ordered for the ships in the harbor to be set on fire.

The fire spread and engulfed the Egyptian fleet and unfortunately part of the city where the Library was. Caesar wrote about the starting of the fire and the catching of fleet on fire but neglected to mention the burning of the Library.

Such an omission does not mean anything however for the simple reason that Julius Caesar was in the habit of omitting and neglecting unflattering facts while writing his own history. Of course Caesar had many detractors. If he was solely to blame for this event then surely it would have been written about by someone somewhere.

It appears that he was simply blamed for this event simply to cover for another party perhaps even the party that finally destroyed on the third attempt  but this is not definitive. After this incidence some of the books were recovered and the Library began to function again.

2) Early 5th Century AD Another Devastating Blow

This second tale of the destruction of the Library of Alexandria is more popular mainly due to a book called "The Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire" by Edward Gibbon. This story is also more complex than the previous one.

Theophilus was the Patriarch of Alexandria from 385AD to 412AD.  During his reign, the Temple of Serapis was converted into a Christian Church (circa 391AD), it is believed or at least claimed that many documents were destroyed at that time.  The Temple of Serapis is estimated to hold ten percent of the total volume of material of the Library at the time.

After Theophilus died his nephew Cyril became the Patriarch. Soon after Cyril became Patriarch riots broke out in the city because of the death of Hierax, a Christian monk, was publicly killed by the order of Orestes, the city Prefect. Orestes was said to be under the influence of a female philosopher known as Hypatia, and daughter of "the last member of the Library of Alexandria". Some consider Hypatia to be the last head librarian.

Alexandria had long been known for its violent and volatile politics. Christians, Jews, and Pagans all lived together in the city. One writer wrote that there were none who loved a fight more than the people of Alexandria. The real instigators behind the violence were the "elite" Jews.

For example:

Once, when Orestes was holding a public meeting, Cyril persuaded Hierax, and avid "persecutor" of the Jews of Alexandria, to denounce the prefect as an enemy of the empire. The Jews that were present recognized who Hierax was and shouted for his arrest because of him being an anti-semite (oh yes even back then this was going just in a different cloak). Orestes detained Hierax under the law, but his Nephew Cyril called the leader of the Jewish community together, blamed them for the arrest of this "good Christian" and threatened reprisals.

Very angered by this the Jews slipped out in the middle of night and shouted that the Christian Church of Alexandria was on fire. As the Christians ran out unarmed to put out the fire the Jews attacked and beat them up. After this incidence the following Cyril lead an angry mob Christians to the Synagogue, drove the Jews out of the city and plundered there buildings. As you might have guessed the Jews wanted revenge for this and viewed as a great assault to them.

The Jews help instigate the killing of Hierax by Galatian tribesman, then soon after his death they again lured the Christians out at night by once again claiming that their church was on fire. When the Christians ran out the largely Jewish mob slaughtered many of them.

After this there was havoc as the Christians retaliated against both Jews and Pagans including the philosopher and head librarian Hypatia. From here the story varies slightly depending on who is telling it but she was supposedly dragged through the streets by the Christians and murdered. This is most likely true because she supported the Jews and the burning of Christian churches as well as killing Christians at the time.

In any event the question still remains who destroyed the Library at this time. Most historians blame the Christians due to their anger and aggression towards Hypatia. Other blame Theophilus for destroying the last of the documents and scrolls when he razed the Temple of Serapis before the construction of the Christian Church.

I think that we can clearly see who did all of this and it is the same people who time and time again who have waged war on gentile societies destroying their economies, history, governments, and culture.  And what better way to destroy their culture than through the destruction of their history, science, art, philosophy and other bodies of knowledge.  It was none other than the "elite" Jews.

After the Alexandrian Jews burned churches and killed Christians, Cyril lead a mob against the Synagogues and the Jews were expelled from Alexandria their homes and temples were looted. All of this of course would lead them to want to retaliate. As the Jew Thomas Dine, a representative  for AIPAC, once said, "We [Jews] are  like an elephant, we don't forget." This attempt at destroying the Library was not complete. Enough of the volumes supposedly survived to reopen it soon thereafter. It was the next attempt that finally succeeded in destroying it.

3) 640 AD

In 640AD Muslims invaded the city of Alexandria. Upon learning of a great library containing all of the knowledge of world, the conquering general supposedly asked the Caliph Omar for instruction. In the Caliph Omar responded with the following in regards to the scrolls "they will either contradict the Koran in which case they are heresy, or they will agree with it, so they are superfluous."  Supposedly the scrolls were used as tender to heat the bath houses.

As it turns out this quote is rather dubious because it was recorded over 300 years after the event took place and nearly all historians completely disregard this as nothing more but false. 

To top it all off this when the Muslim golden age was supposedly occurring which would mean if true that they would be interested in preserving knowledge not destroying it. Now of course there is debate about if the Islamic golden age even really occurred but that is a discussion for another time.

Now who is it exactly who recorded this account?

A Jew who supposedly converted to Christianity-- Bishop Gregory Bar Hebraeus. This "Christian" (more like crypto-Jew) as it turns out spent a great deal of time writing about Muslim "atrocities," with little to  know historical documentation for most of his work.  Now isn't that interesting!

I think its safe to say that "elite" Jews-- the practitioners of the worst crimes in all recorded history against humanity-- were behind this as well. The final destruction of the Library may well have actually occurred at the time that Hypatia was the head Librarian. It is not truly known if it did in fact survive until the 7th century as some scholars claim.

Regardless of what the truth of the matter is for when the Library was finally destroyed it is also important out that the volumes in the Library may not have actually be destroyed. It is indeed possible that the Jews stole them rather than destroy them.  They have done this before and they have done this many times afterward. A few people claim that the texts still survive hidden away at somewhere in the Vatican secret archives. We may never know what the truth is.

There is something very important to point before I close this in 629 AD just 11 years before the supposed final destruction of the Alexandrian Library,  Emperor Heraclius the first had driven the Jews from Jerusalem, which was followed by a massacre of Jews throughout the empire, including Egypt. So once again we have a motive.

Now let me make something else clear: if the Jews really did destroy the Library this time, it most certainly cannot really be called "retaliation," (certainly not justified retaliation) for the massacre, because the massacre came about due to all of the crimes that the elite Jews  and Alexandria.

These "elite" Jews are always victimizers. Any rising up by any nation or people has always been in retaliation against all of the crimes that the Jews have committed on there host nation or culture. Just ask yourself what is more likely that every single country/nation/city-state/tribe/culture are anti-semitic throughout all of them and throughout all ages or is there a common denominator? Think about it really think about it.

Going back to the scrolls of the Library of Alexandria having been preserved there is something very interesting that I want to turn your attention to for just a moment. In the Illuminati card game there is a card called "The Library of Alexandria". On the front of the card it says the following "Sure, they burned down the building, but the books were already checked out. Its the greatest storehouse of knowledge ever known and it's been guarded and enlarged, in deepest secrecy for more than a thousand years." How very interesting indeed!

Is this how the Jewish fraternaties such as Freemasonry claim to hold secret ancient knowledge that they keep to themselves.

Madamme Blatblasky wrote in her book "Isis Unveiled". "They [the Rabbis of Palestine] say that not all of the rolls and manuscripts, reported in history to be burned by Caesar, by the Christian mob in 389 AD, and by Arab General Amru, perished, as it is commonly believed. At the time for the conquest for the throne, in 51BC, between Cleopatra and her brother Dionysius  Ptolomy, the Bruckion, which contained over 700,000 rolls all bound in wood and fire proof parchment, was undergoing repairs and a great portion of the original manuscripts, considered among the most precious, and which were not duplicated, were stored away in the house of one of the Librarians. Several hours passed between the burning of the fleet, set on fire by Caesar's order, and the moment when the first building situated near the harbor caught fire in their turn, and the Librarians, aided by several hundred slaves attached to the museum, succeeded in saving the most precious rolls."

Interesting that her source for this was "rabbis".