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Earning Minds Points

Gerry GeronimoJan 6, 2018, 5:49:07 PM

There are numerous ways to earn Minds points. The rewards shown in this blog are what they are today (January 6, 2018) and they may change in the future. I've sorted the ways of earning points by reward, biggest first.

The biggest reward (50 points) is earned by using Minds. It is an hourly reward. I've noticed that it is awarded when you start using Minds and on the hour after that. Perhaps a minimum amount of time (e.g., 15 minutes) using Minds should be instituted to prevent users from gaming this reward.

You earn 15 points for posting a blog (like this.) It makes sense since a blog takes more time and effort.

You earn 5 points for each vote on your posts, whether the vote is up or down. I recommend that you don't get upset with down votes. Not everyone will agree with you, but you earn the points.

You also earn 5 points for each comment on your posts.

5 points are awarded for each post reminded from your channel. Note that this means that if your post reminded by someone is reminded by someone else on their channel, that person earns the reward.

A subscription to your channel earns you 5 points.

And finally, a post earns you 1 point.

Note that all rewards (except for the hourly reward) are removed if the blog, vote, comment, remind, or subscription is removed.

While researching this subject, I noticed that some channels are obsessed with accumulating points. Unless you are planning on using those points for boosting your posts, the exercise is actually useless unless you're doing it for bragging rights. You can't make money from Minds points.

#Minds #Points