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12 Domain Universe. The Matrix.

Luminous▼SovereignJan 4, 2018, 2:15:08 PM

This 12 dimensional or Domain system may be more familiar where humanity exists in the 3rd Domain physical domain of space and time ascending, through the 4th-Astral, 5th-Mental. 6th Spiritual and finally to the 12th Domain of the Creator.

The Soul resides at the cusp of the 6th-7th, i.e. at Mid-heaven in the universe as in most systems. Each domain is geometrically codes as energy/vibration descends from the Creator. The whole universe is now experiencing a major shift in consciousness in which the earth is playing a key role. The “dark” that fell from the original separation of light and dark, known as “the others”, are being removed from the planet by higher spiritual beings who are assisting the process. Our greatest service in return is to simply awaken. The golden ratio spiral is foundational to the spiritual path to Creator and enlightenment requiring the release of attachments, especially to mental and emotional form and knowledge.

The fundamentals of this come from the Eros Dei Dictum mystery school and personal material to me from Archangel Metatron. It compares easily with the previous 24 dimensional systems as the domains are just half.

The primary filament is a double helix, like braided wire, which requires two nodes, a duality. The pillar of Light is composed of “1000″ filaments, each a double helix strand of cosmic DNA. The first division of totality produces light and dark…the manifest and un-manfest sources. The manifest source in turn divides, Shiva and Shakti, the primal duality- the dance between light and dark.The holographic Universe, the illusion. requires that the primal coherent Light divide in two: the reference beam and the object beam which carries the information of all things. The Manifest Source is a binary system, not a singularity. The filament branches (that is, bifurcates or fractalizes) which further subdivides generating domains, central suns, galaxies, stars.

Each domain has sub-strata or sub-domains which are paired in an upper and lower half. There are three domains to an octave like a codon of DNA. The sub-domains are related vertically as harmonics. Each Domain, even those of ‘no form’ do have underlaying geometrics and patterns of moving energy.

The descent of creation through 12 dimensions is a process of fragmentation or fracturing of a totality into pieces to seed creation. The process creates a hologram where the same pattern exists everywhere at different scales. Ascension is the process of re-assembling the pieces together to create a whole awareness. The higher one goes the more pieces are assembled creating more awareness or detail. This is the Holograpghic model Thus each dimension has a degree or level of awareness defined by the Fibonnaci number of the Golden spiral as it turns about the axis, the central Pillar of Light. As the spiral turns, counterclockwise, upwards, starting with 1 degree expanding in each domain to 2, 3, 5, 8 and on into a new 13th dimension with 233 degrees of awareness, the first dimension disintegrates into chaos, having no more function for the system.

Introductory Concepts

Universe expands/evolves via Fibonnaci Spiral

The universe has 12 dimensions but is expanding to 13 and 14 dimensions. The universe is essential a vortex structured on a Fibonnaci spiral such that each dimension has a number of levels of consciousness or awareness given by a Fibonnaci number starting with 1 for the 1st dimension and expanding to 144 at the originating dimension of the Source/Creator.  To do this the Fibonnaci spiral must pre-exist to infinity as an archetype.  Source is evolving into the 13th dimension and into higher levels of consciousness.

Elohim of the 7th dimension. As a collective, joined with angels and other beings throughout the universe, created this solar system, a new matrix.

3D  In ascension one transcends the limitations of the physical body, the cause of death and degradation that is part of the dualistic 3D matrix.  This transcendence will be seen as a transference of conscious rather than as a beginning and ending.

From the perspective of the higher dimension we are ascending into the 4th dimension, which is not the astral field, which is not separate from the 3rd dimension.  In 3D the body is created from thought form generated in the astral field.

Each dimension has sublevels of awareness based on the Fibonnaci numbers, increasing in number as the dimensions go higher.

Spiral, each square added a dimension, expands levels of consciousness.


• There is no matter.  Only thought or consciousness.  Reality is the projection of thought through the lens of duality, i.e. reality is made of thought.  Creation is a process of subdivision, the division of Unity.  a progression of dualities:




    Coherent-Un-Coherent Light

    Light & Dark


Digital vs. analog/continuous

• Fragmentation:  At some point in the early stages of expanding there is a process of expansion of the consciousness which seeds the lower levels of Creation.  There is nothing but the totality of consciousness from which to create.  We might call this the “fractured mirror” as the totality that exists prior is like a uniform reflectivity.  Each fragment contains all the information of the whole, a spark of spirit that makes up the “hologram”. (See holographic U. below.) Each U. continues to expand and evolve.  The seeding is muck like a fractal spiral, repeating over and over again.

• There is some question as to the fate of a completed universe or even if there is such a thing? Whether they continue indefinitely or are absorbed into cosmic substance to build anew?

•Firmament:  It seems that to provide an area of finite energy/potential that an area is separated from the infinite energy/potential, made of the same stuff but bounded to create form.   This true of the 12D Universe as well as Genesis and the model according to E.T.’s. Modern science proposes the universe is spread out on sheets called membranes which are the upper and lower boundaries of the stream.

  At this stage of development our Universe has 12 distinct dimensions. These may be thought of as states of consciousness or being which each have further strata of awareness.  Each dimension, strata, state of being is defined by vibration, frequency, patterns of energy, as well as level of consciousness and density of substance.  . The question is why do the mystics of the different traditions experience so many different universes.  It is clear some of the difference is due to whether the first two dimensions are accounted for or not.

• In the 12D U. souls are created to further create physical being to have experience in form and thus to grow and evolve on behalf of the Creator.  In this universe there are a number of created conscious species that have souls.  There are also species that were cloned by genetic manipulation which are sentient but Soulless.

energy.  Beyond the 6th to the 9th Dimensions, expressed as energetic fields of varying complexity and size. Individuals have already surrendered their egos by the 5th Dimension and join together is greater and greater collectives of consciousness, but without having boundary.  The movement or spin of these fields gives the perception of integrated being.  From 10D to 12D the energy of each dimension is of pure spirit-consciousness, without form, field, boundary, or limitation. As one becomes more aligned, involved with the infinite Creator surrounded by a wave form at the center. The energy becomes more and more intense. Each dimension is a projection of one above.

• Thus at each level the being assumes a different Light Body. Used as potection and as a vehicle of movement/travel enabling a being to experience that realm.

  As one ascends, the perception of reality first through the body senses, then through feeling and emotion in the 4th, through mind in 5th and 6th, and spirit in 7 and 8, then pure consciousness. Beyond.

  Beyond the realm of manifest, created evolving universes separated by a boundary of undiffer-entiated energy called the void, there is a structured un-manifest, non-evolving area there non-evolving beings reside holding the seed thoughts for future creations.

• Evolution is a process of differentiation-descension and integration-ascension. All procedes in cycles as a breathing in and breathing out.  Reality is both vertical and horizontal.

  Ascension is the path of return…also known as initiation.

Ascension into the 4th or 5th Dimensions? Depends on level of individual evolution and intention to do service.  Key to the Plan. Happening in some way regardless.  Timed to coincide with cosmic alignments, galactic center, outpouring of energetic waves and particles. Cycles coincide with procession of the equinoxes.

Astral Plane part of etheric 3rd Dimension.  In 4D creation follows thought.  In 5D reality is thought.

  Beyond the realm of manifest, created evolving universes separated by a boundary of undiffer-entiated energy called the void, there is a structured un-manifest, non-evolving area there non-evolving beings reside holding the seed thoughts for future creations.

  Each Universe is a Vortex, built from the individual through the Soul to Source-Creator.  Each universe is created so the creator may know itself through the experience and service of individual en-souled beings such as angelic, human, reptilian and other created species.

  Each Universe is created with different parameters, specifications, laws, intentions, purposes, in other words a unique Plan, to provide a different experiences for the evolving spirit and hence also for the Creator, to learn, evolve and grow from.

  The Plan is the Creator’s thought or dream of a creation, which, once in motion, the creator usually does not interfere with, unless its development threatens other creations and worlds.

  The difficulties in getting an understanding of

the universe as a creation of a Source Creator Being are multiple: 1. The Creator itself is an infinite, unknowable mystery, 2. The perspective of beings who communicate about the nature of reality coming from higher dimension than ours is vastly more encompassing, requiring a language we have long forgotten and 3. Both our sciences and religions are not asking the right questions, if asking at all.  Science is bounded by a kind of conceit of knowledge and religion is bounded by dogma and a faith in incomplete and outdated scripture.

  The Beginning of a Universe is something like a “Big Bang”-a sudden expansion.   The origin of a new universe is seeded from a parent universe having reached a certain point of completion in its evolution and ensouled by a Creator being who has evolved itself thought various levels of service  ensouling planets, stars, galaxies, etc.

• The path is both spiral and direct through the dimensions, from original source being to source evolving-becoming. The direct path is like a stream of consciousness connecting Source at each stage.  There are multiple countless streams in each universe, extending from Source in all “directions.  Each model is showing only one of these streams for simplicity.

  Each of these streams are the world lines of parallel worlds and experiences, sometimes called time lines as they each connect a slightly different sequence of events.  These lines expand but tend to re-connect at nexus points in the expanding cone of the universe allowing beings to jump from one to another as they choice.  They develop as their beginning in Source and depending on the free will choice of individual beings and souls.  Time lines will be revealed when the higher dimensions of time become known.

  The Soul is connected to the Source-Creator by means of a filament of Light and in turn there is a Stream from Soul to its Physical projections called the Silver Cord, the Mahasutra or “great thread”.  It is anchored in the Heart/Center of Being.  The evolving Being  begins the process of return or ascension by building a golden filament back first to its Soul, bring it down into form in the body and beyond that in stages to the Creator. This becomes a braid of many filaments or strands and ultimately a column or pillar of golden Light.  Certain traditions speak of this braided filament as carrying a current of electricity or sound.  Double Helix Current.  This precedes Light as the Word of the Creator brings forth light.  The strands of the braids emanate from source as 1000 as the ultimate code or DNA of being throughout the multi-dimensional universe.  It is this Pillar/Column of Light that protect the ascending initiate from extraneous energetics and null or dissipative zones.

  Body/Mind/Spirit: The lowest dimensions 1, 2 and 3 are composed of physical matter in form, characterized by less density and more consciousness the higher one goes.  The 4th through 6th dimensions maintain form but are made of higher, more complex vibrations of form disappears and a Being can be better

  Cubes of Space-Ascension Stargate

Ascension of chakras

  Information is encoded in geometrics as planetary, personal and cosmic grids.

  Minkowski-Light Cones-speed of Light is a function of space-time and the field of mass. (called the Higgs field)

  Toroidal Universal Form: Universe, galaxy, Being Energy field, Atom

  Flashing Universe

Holographic Concept-Division of coherent light: reference beam/object beam-Portal is a beam splitter

Each level/dimension of Being is projected from the level(s) above…thus each is an illusion insofar as the levels above are more real or absolute-higher reality. The lower levels are further in energy, time space and vibration from the beginning and so we are seeing reality from the bottom up.

To discover what the I is, what the Creator (It)  would be like in each successive dimension.

The 12 dimensions begin with the 1st, the lowest, with the beginning of Source which proceeds to evolve along a spiral, and expand though a succession of higher, more evolved states/dimensions to the 12th.  At the same time consciousness descends from higher states to lower as the whole evolves creating now a vertical structure-reality.

General Concepts

Firmament:  The idea of a firmament or boundary/containment field is a universal archetype not exclusive to the area of creation for universes as put forward by Genesis Chapter 1.  For example: Cell membrane,  human aura, force field of an atom, etc.  The membrane contains the codes  holographically for the development that is to occur within the membrane.

Descension: The process of creation begins with a descension from the highest level of dimension of a universe and descends with the creation of each lower dimension in turn. Or does the whole plan for a universe manifest as a whole with all the dimensions in place without needing time with the Source in the 12th at the top and the first manifestation of created being in the 1st or bottom?  Once in place descension could occur followed by ascension and then by expansion of the universe into higher levels as beings in the higher dimensions evolve?

Dimensions are frequency determinant. Not only are dimensions increasing in frequency and thus scope, so is time and space.  Past, present and future are expanding, increasing in vibration.

Division of Unity.  Subdivision is creation process- There nothing but the totality from which to create..  From singularity to duality, ie. from non-duality to duality.  Duality is an illusion of an ever finer capacity to create experience.

Division of light: hologram, division of light and dark, separation of firmament from void-i.e. finite from infinite.


  1. Creation begins at the origin of the spiral/vortex with a singularity -one level of consciousness, in chaos.  The Elders are created to impose U. Law and Harmonics on the expanding dimension to establish order or “cosmos”.  Unity subdivides, creation springs from the widening dualities.  Time expands but remains linear.  Creation still compact and dense…vibration very low.  Differentiation continues out of the void.  Firmament coalesces at boundary of a designated void.
  2. The 2D separates from the 1st. still has only one level of consciousness, light, or “unconsciousness” and limited unorganized forms of expression.  Awareness is non-existent.  Experience is one event at a time.  Elohim are created to administer the Laws, create major structures in the universe and life.
  3. 3D takes on complex but dense forms, Life appears. A 2nd level of consciousness subdivides.  Polarity Consciousness.  Dualities increasing. Time separates events- Linear experience.

3b. A finer vibration is developed for matter-etheric density.  Body, Feeling and Mind become vibrational sub-strata of the dimension, establishing chakras and various qualities of being. Astral Plane evolves-perceptual senses.  Self- consciousness develops.  The Rainbow Body-Auric Field appears…all seven major chakras functioning.

The 4thD appears with a 3rd level of conscious-ness…the realm of creation by thought, Lower Mind. The body remains in form but is much less dense, (higher vibration) takes on the aspect of Spirit, connection to the Creator.  Psychic abilities develop.  Creator and Elohim continue to evolve into the Hierarchy of Being.  Spiral form complete, stars, spiral galaxy.  Geometry of the Cube of Space complete.  The whole structure of the Universe now in thought.

  1. Second octave begins with 5D, 5 levels of consciousness, Higher Mind, and loss of necessity of dense physical form. Level of the personal Divine Council guides. Focus dimension for the Ascended & Elemental Masters.  The level of higher Mind. Level of Love, Level of learning & teaching.
  2. Eight levels of consciousness.  Causal Body of the

Soul: Merkaba geometry. Transcends to infinite consciousness represented by ∞. Place of the ‘Great Choice”-future service.  The individual Soul: Merkaba geometry. Transcends to infinite consciousness represented by ∞. Place of the ‘Great Choice”-future service.  The individual visionary phase.

  1. 7D-the level of the Soul at mid-heaven.  13 levels of consciousness. Fields but no form. Soul is a field.  The “Fall” from Light to 3rdD.  Spiritual connection-Silver Cord extended to Etheric Body. 7D. Where the Elohim reside.  Solar systems created by Elohim assisted by archangels.  The matrix of Formation.  Expanding creational development.  Sons of Light Councils.

ISUN-21 levels of awareness.  The Laws/Principles of creation applied from this level.  High administrative Councils.  The firmament weavers binding dimensions in a Loop-∞.  Infinite consciousness becoming the infinity nature of infinite reality.  Where the foundational geometrics are maintained. All connected by threads of light in the Crystal Sea.  All here are travelers through the Universe.  The matrix of all.

34 levels of consciousness- New level of completion. Knowing/understanding the multiple probabilities unfolding.  Appearance of the OverSoul.  As a Radiant field of energy-Consciousness.  The universal visionary phase…connecting visions.  Orientation of creational urge completely into the higher planes.

10. 55 levels-The Universal Plan-Geometrics.  Energetics but no form.  The Wave. Double the love vibration in 5D-new octave of Oneness & service.  Integration of all that has been before…knowing all.  Urge to create.  The birthplace of new souls from Source/One Souls always being created-descending to 7th dimension.

11. 89 Levels-Creator Councils oversee evolutionary growth.  Has relationship to 2D.  Angelic plane, beings reside and oversee the development of life in all dimensions.  Elemental & fairy…archangels, all consciousness evolves-Lords of Light reside here

12. 144 levels-New level of creative force in the universe-assist in manifestation for all level.  High Councils of Universal creativity reside here.  Evolving Source/Creator Being and Becoming.  Bindu in Sphere.  Travel throughout MDR of Universe.  Energetic holding field.  Multiple fractal spirals.  3 complete  turns of the spiral, 3 octaves

13. 13thD evolving with 233 levels of consciousness-unlimited types of expression.  Parent U. now has 22 dimensions.

14.  Travel up & down dimensional axis.  Upwards-increasing vibration consciousness Light. Downward increasing density-decreasing vibration.

The Pillar of Light is the pathway of Ascension from our 24D/12D existence in the physical 3D plane to our existence as a creator of a universe.  There is not right or wrong way in using the 12D or 24D or even 7, 8 or 9 dimensions, as the paths all lead up the mountain.

From 12D to 24D…imagine a mirror at each end of a grand hallway…one sees endless reflections of the infinite Source, thus expanding the possibilities.

In the 24D kingdom the un-manifest in or beyond the Void is the realm of the “One Who Seeds” who created embryonic or seed universes.

The 24 Dimensions of the Kingdom are basically condensed into 12 with some notable additions and expansions and slightly different functions.

Fibonnaci Spiral, governs the evolution of the Universe.  This is projected onto the vertical stream as a vortex and a Spiral in plan. Expansion/evolution of dimensions into 13.

Source @1st evolves to Prime Creator @ 12.


The universe has 12 dimensions but is expanding to 13 and 14 dimensions. The universe is essential a vortex structured on a Fibonnaci spiral such that each dimension has a number of levels of consciousness or awareness given by a Fibonnaci number starting with 1 for the 1st dimension and expanding to 144 at the originating dimension of the Source/Creator.  To do this the Fibonnaci spiral must pre-exist to infinity as an archetype.  Source is evolving into the 13th dimension and into higher levels of consciousness.

Elohim of the 7th dimension. as a collective, joined with angels and other beings throughout the universe, created this solar system, a new matrix.

3D  In ascension one transcends the limitations of the physical body, the cause of death and degradation that is part of the dualistic 3D matrix.  This transcendence will be seen as a transference of consciousness rather than as a beginning and ending.

From the perspective of the higher dimension we are ascending into the 4th dimension, which is not the astral field, which is not separate from the 3rd dimension.  In 3D the body is created from thought form generated in the astral field.

Each dimension has sublevels of awareness based on the Fibonnaci numbers, increasing in number as the dimensions go higher. Spiral, each square added a dimension, expands levels of consciousness.

Evolution is a process of differentiation-descension and integration-ascension.  As breathing in and out.

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